The Speaker needs a message from you...
Hello! This message is from Ralph Fucetola, JD., one of the trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation. Dr. Laibow and Gen. Stubblebine are boarding a plane in Europe just about now and they asked me to convey this message to you.
This morning I received an urgent email message from Congressman Ron Paul's Washington, DC office. The bottom line: a newly introduced bill, HR.2900 should now be a focus of health freedom activities.
We need your help in getting a message through to the House leadership. Please reference HR.2900 and ask that HR.2900 be "brought up under a regular order" to be considered by the House WITH amendments. The bill is expected to be moved on Tuesday, so this is an URGENT matter.
Speaker Pelosi's office in DC is: (202) 225-4965
Eemail her at:
Email the following message:
"I urge the House leadership to allow HR.2900 to be brought up under a regular order so it can be fully debated and amended. I support Ron Paul's Health Freedom Protection Act, HR.2117."
Currently the bill is scheduled for 40 minutes of debate and NO amendments, which means Ron Paul's important Health Freedom Protection Act, HR.2117 or other amendments, such as that proposed by attorney Jonathan Emord, would not be allowed to become an amendments to this bill. HR.2900 is the House companion bill to S.1082, the FDA "revitalization" bill that breezed through the Senate last month. That Senate bill was amended to protect Dietary Supplements and we want to make sure the House bill will also be amended to protect supplements and natural remedies.
To do that, HR.2900 must be "brought up under a regular order" so it can be fully debated and amended.
Please forward this widely.
Ralph Fucetola JD
PS - and remember to support Natural Solutions by shopping though
------ Original Message ------
Received: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 08:34:21 AM EDT
From: "Singleton, Norman" <>
To: "'Ralph Fucetola JD'" <>
Subject: RE: Now 82,918+ messages supporting Ron Paul
HR 2900 (FDA Reform) is on the SUSPENSION calendar tomorrow. It might be helpful if people called Pelosi, Hoyer, Bonner, and Blunt to see if it can
be pulled and brought up under a regular order.
Norman Kirk Singleton
Legislative Director
Congressman Ron Paul
203 Cannon
Washington, DC 20515
Liberty "...will win eventually because it and only it is compatible with the nature of man and of the world. Only liberty can achieve man's prosperity, fulfillment, and happiness....libertarians now propose to fulfill the American dream and the world dream of liberty and prosperity for all mankind." - Murray Rothbard
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Fucetola JD []
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 9:30 PM
To: Singleton, Norman; McAdams, Daniel
Cc: Bailey, Jennifer;
Subject: Now 82,918+ messages supporting Ron Paul
Importance: High
Natural Solutions Foundation's supporters have now generated 82,918 messages to the House supporting Ron Paul's HR.2117 or opposing HR.1561 and urging
that HR.2117 be added to it by way of amendment. Which Committee and Subcommittee should we direct our supporters to contact to move HR.2117?
Ralph Fucetola, JD
The Vitamin Consultancy
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