Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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Monday, October 01, 2007

Candidat's Pulse Skipped a Beat! It's Better Now

Health Freedom News
October 1, 2007

Please note correction below to counter apparent hijacking of link to

Candidate's Scoreboard






NOTE: It would appear that our site got hacked again! That seems to correlate with blasts that gore someone's ox (as the saying goes) who has the technology to try to knock us off base when we are right on target. 

I always take that as an annoying, but gratifying, sign that we are doing exactly what needs to be done and saying what needs to be said.  So, thanks to whom ever it was who messed up the link but I would appreciate it if you didn't do it again! Despite that, we have asked the Presidential Hopefuls our tough questions 5643 times in the past few hours.

Asking the hard questions of all of the Presidential Hopefuls would appear to NOT be on someone's agenda , but it certainly is on ours! Let's take Health Freedom to the candidates and separate Health Freedom friend from Health Freedom Foe.  Ron Paul, for example, at the GOP Debate last Thursday included his Health Freedom plank, calling for "freedom from FDA interference in health choices."  We need more voices like that or to find out that there are none and make our choices on that basis.  Your pressure on the candidates is a critical factor in defining the issue.

So, if you could not do so before, please use the following link

to go to the Candidate's Health Freedom Scoreboard page and send these tough Health Freedom questions to the people who would be President.   If this link does not end in _KEY=13881, please fix it, then cut and past in your browser.

Please remember that since most candidates are, like the FDA, now using web forms, not emails, we have to fax our questions to them so we are asking you to help cover that cost with a tax deductible donation. 

Here is the link for Health Freedom support through your tax deductible donations: 

Health freedom is a costly battle. Your help is essential.

By the way, while we set up our donation page to accept separate support for the DVD, any donation of $100 or more which is a round number (e.g., $200, $500, $5000) will be credited toward the upcoming DVD, "Murder by the Numbers: the Codex Agenda" 

Health Freedom is a "Participatory Sport"

You're Up!

Fifteen people (or so) want to be the next President of the United States. Where do they stand on the Health Freedom questions that will protect - or destroy - your access to natural health options?


Let's Find Out!

The Health Freedom Constituency is growing by leaps and bounds. In the last few days, you have sent an astonishing 293,039 emails to the Texas State Legislature and Texas Medical Board letting them know how deeply concerned we are about their attack on good docs (like Bill Rea) who practice good medicine for their patients! A couple of months ago, more than 588,000 folks decided the FDA needed to hear from them protesting their dangerous CAM guidance.

Can You Hear the Health Freedom Debate?

Why Not?

Have you noticed that our deep concern over Health Freedom issues is not mirrored in the national debate? Only one candidate, Ron Paul, even has a Health Freedom plank in the campaign platform! Where are the rest of the candidates on these vital issues? It's time to hold the Presidential candidates' collective feet to the fire and bring our issue, Health Freedom, to the forefront of the national debate during this 2008 Presidential campaign.

Just where do the candidates stand on, for example,

  • Compulsory vaccination
  • Taking children away from parents who do not want them medicated with dangerous or lethal medications
  • Your right to use bio-identical hormones instead of synthetic ones
  • "HARMonizing" with Codex, the European Union and other international bodies and agencies in preference to US regulation and law
  • Enforcing the 1998 Anti-Harmonization law (19 USC 3512) protecting dietary supplements which the FDA is apparently bent on ignoring
  • Retracting the Executive Orders merging the US, Canada and Mexico in the "North American Union" and merging the FDA and its Canadian and Mexican counterparts via the already-operating "Trilateral Cooperation Charter"
  • Divesting the FDA of its food regulation responsibilities since it is allowing the food supply to be irresponsibly and dangerously degraded
If We Don't Ask, They Won't Tell
The reality is that if one of us asks the Health Freedom questions, there is little likelihood that we will be heard. But if hundreds of thousands of us reach out to the candidates' campaign headquarters and roar out our questions, we can bring our concerns into the mainstream spotlight. We need to create a "Virtual Town Hall Meeting" in which we ask our questions so persistently, and with such a loud collective voice, that either the candidates answer our questions or their lack of response becomes their answer.
As a reader of these Health Freedom Alerts, you are aware of the unprecedented series of attacks on nutrients and natural remedies orchestrated by the FDA and its friends in Congress and international agencies like Codex and the North American Union.
Not only is the FDA attacking wholesome nutrition, it continues to promote unwholesome foods -- genetically modified, toxified, irradiated "Franken-food." And it fails to protect the safety of the food supply while it fails to protect the public from harmful pharmaceutical medications that kill hundreds of thousands a year. How does the person who may be our next President stand on these vital health care and health freedom issues? Will he -- or she -- support policies that may protect your health from real threats like dangerous drugs and corporate degradation of your food and environment? If we don't ask we will never know, until, perhaps, it is too late.
Ready, Set, FAX!
Here's your part:
1. Click here ( to send a fax asking these questions to every Presidential Candidate. Once the answers are in, we will create a Health Freedom Score Card (c) to publicize the results at the national level with press releases, interviews, etc. Maybe we'll even be able to hold a Health Freedom Presidential Debate! That depends on how vigorous the fax flow is, which takes us to
2. Forward this email to every single person, supplier and contact you know and ask them to do the same. Add something like the following to the top of your email to your list:
" I am forwarding this email to you and asking
you to do the same thing -forward it to your entire list- because of the unique opportunity that we have right now to shine the spotlight of public awareness on a hidden danger. Right now, powerful forces are threatening your right to chose natural health options if you want to. Children are being taken away from parents who do not want them drugged with powerful and dangerous drugs. US laws protecting our health freedoms are ignored by industry friendly regulators giving preference to international agreements that degrade our food and our freedoms.
In this campaign season, only one of the Presidential candidates has taken a positions on safeguarding our health freedoms. All of them will be forced to do so if enough people take a moment to ask a set of critically important Health Freedom questions of them and demand that they answer them.

Please take a moment to read this email and send a fax asking the Health Freedom questions to the Presidential Candidates. Then send this email on to your list to generate the public pressure necessary to reverse the loss of our freedoms.

Thanks for your help! For more information, go to and sign up for their free Health Freedom Alerts."

"Freedom Is Not Free"

Never Has Been, Never Will Be

Every fax we send costs us additional money compared to an email. That is why we ask for your tax deductible donations to help us sustain our ability to communicate using whatever means is necessary. When the FDA shut off email communication on its Health Claims Guidance recently (probably because the Natural Solutions Foundation was so effective in our email campaign on the CAM Guidance right before that one) we had two choices: allow the FDA's change in email policy to muzzle us or find another way of getting our voices heard. Despite the financial burden to us, we chose to give your voice a way to ring out.

Since Presidential candidates almost all use web forms (which cut down the number of people communicating drastically) instead of email, we cannot use our customary email system to ask them our questions in the hundreds of thousands. But they do have faxes. So we'll fax them our questions. To do that, however, we need your help: please give as generous a donation as you can to help defray the cost of the health freedom campaign.

Donations of any size are welcome. In order to fund the full length DVD "Murder by the Numbers: the Codex Agenda" any round number donation of $100 or more (e.g., $200, $500, $1000, etc.) will be counted toward the film fund and you will be thanked publicly for your support in the final version of "Murder by the Numbers"! If you would like all of your donation of $100 or more to go to the support of the Natural Solutions Foundation, make sure it is not a round number!

A Final Thought

I received this in an email today and thought it was worth sharing because it asks yet another important Health Freedom question:

The Cycle By Which
Civilizations and Individuals Rise and Fall
-From Bondage comes Spiritual Faith
-From Spiritual Faith comes Courage
-From Courage comes Liberty
-From Liberty comes Abundance
-From Abundance comes Complacency
-From Complacency comes Apathy
-From Apathy comes Dependency
-From Dependency comes Bondage
Now Ask Yourself This Question.

Where, As A Nation, Are WE?

That's why we ALL need to get involved, ask these questions, and get answers.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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Ask Presidential Candidates
Tough Health Freedom Questions,
Demand Answers!


Urge Congress to support
Health Freedom Protection Act

H. R. 2117

Tax deductible donations help cover
the cost of faxing & our Health
Freedom campaign

Tell Texas Medical Board to
Leave Good Docs Alone!

Order Revised and Update
"Nutricide: the DVD"


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Health Freedom!

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