Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Wholefood Farmacy makes eating healthy easy, convenient and affordable. We offer pure, nutrient-dense, ready-to-eat, whole food meals, snacks, soups, smoothie mixes and treats for the children. All of our foods are vegetarian, most are raw and vegan as well. We also offer many gluten-free and nut-free whole food choices for those with food sensitivities - see our FAQ section of the Whole Food Farmacy Website for more information.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Urgent, Please Open: From Push Back to Take Down!

Health Freedom Alert

News, alerts, and other information related to your health freedom.
Action Items You Can Take Now

Health Freedom Alert

News, alerts, and other information related to your health freedom.
Action Items You Can Take Now  - January 18, 2010
Permalink to this blast: xxx

In This Issue:

Push Back Works.  Now It's Time for TAKE DOWN!

Tune in to the Dr. Rima Reports:
Your Health, Your Way

Every Wednesday 8-10 PM

This Week's Guest, Justin Plumlee,
United American Voice Network

"Medical Marijuana and Health Freedom"

Join Dr. Rima

Friday, January 22, 10:30 AM

The Autism File with Curt Linderman

Saturday, Jan 22, 10:30 AM with Lou Barile on Blogtalk Radio


Action Steps to Save Food Freedom
Featured Videos & Articles
NY & NJ - Renewed Vax Mandates!


CDC Announces Adult Vaccine Schedule

Think Vaccine Mandates are Just for Kids? 

Think Again!

Total Number of Vaccines in Fully Vaccinated Persons

Age 0 - 18: 97 Doses *

Age18 - 75: 136 Doses*

Total Vaccine Doses in Fully Vaccinated Adult

Age 0 - 75* 233

Total Mercury Exposure from Vaccines:

233** - 5825*** micrograms

How much is safe?  None.  Congressman Burton's Hearing on this topic: " 'In June, 1999, the Food and Drug Administration discovered that 'Infants who receive thimerosal containing vaccine at several visits may be exposed to more mercury than recommended by Federal guidelines for total mercury exposure.'  Thimerisol, a preservative used in some vaccines to prevent contamination is 49.6% mercury by weight. Infants who are being vaccinated using multi-dose vials with thimerosal can receive 62.5 micrograms of mercury per visit. [Emphasis included in original].  For an average sized child this represents an exposure approximately 100 times the 0.1 micrograms per kilogram of daily exposure considered safe by the Environmental protection Agency.  The manufacturers safety data sheet on thimerosal states, "Highly toxic....Danger of cumulative effects....Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure....and the Chemical, Physical and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated."

If the ill-informed and disinformed want to pump these toxins into their bodies, they are, as far as the Natural Solutions Foundation is concerned, welcome to make that tragic error.

But if we are free men and women, free to direct our health and that of our families, we stridently opposed any coercive attempt to force these dangerous materials into our bodies.  To that end, we urge you to take the following Action Items, once for each member of your family, and then disseminate them as widely as possible.


Urgent Action Steps to Save Food Freedom

The Health Freedom Action eAlert begins a series of eblasts intended to implement the Offensive Push Back Strategies developed at the 2010 Health Freedom War Council™ Webinar

Click here,  for Full War Council Webinar Schedule

If you attend only one meeting in 2010, the Health Freedom War Council should be the one!

Did you miss that outstanding event? You can still experience this unique event. Follow these simple steps:

1. Click here,

2. Make a $149 donation for two full days of outstanding lectures and discussions and an ebook containing all Power Point presentations

3. Check your email for download instructions



The Science is pouring  in.  GMOs are dangerous to our health and that of the planet we live on.  Yes, it is that bad.  The US FDA/USDA/EPA are industry captives.  Let's get rid of GMOs before they make all of us infertile, give us preventable diseases like cancer and destroy the ecosystem of the only planet home we have.


The biosphere of Planet Earth is, like the banks, AIG and two of the Big Three Auto Makers, "Too Big to Fail".  Like those agencies, however, ill-informed, corrupt and intentionally dangerous policies are causing it to fail.

Mother [Earth] needs a "bailout" or she will go crashing down to her, and our, total demise.

You are already aware that food is a principle tool by which domination, disease and death are being spread by the Globalist Agenda.  See, for example, all of our publications on Codex Alimentarius, including the MUST SEE video, Nutricide,


One sector of the food agenda is particularly dangerous and the Natural Solutions Foundation is addressing it head on, as we do with every dangerous threat to our lives, health and freedom.  That danger is Genetically Modified "Food", also known as GMO or Biotech "food".
This material is approved for use in the US food chain without any significant safety testing. In fact, even if an FDA regulator wanted to examine the safety of a GMO food, that is forbidden in the US following one brief, preliminary "report" provided by the company that is patenting the "food". 

Not unexpectedly, these preliminary reports all claim that the "food" is safe and is "substantially equivalent" to non GMO foods. No further questions are asked and the manufacturer or patent holder can insert his "food" into your bodies in the absence of any labeling.  In fact, it is forbidden in the US to label even "GMO free foods!" Any labeling of GMO ingredients, as such, is outlawed because, as Barbara Schneeman, PhD, the US Codex Delegate, announced at a Codex meeting on labeling GMOs (Oslo, 2008), US consumers overwhelmingly reject GMO food when they know it is GMO. This is so although the FDA says that food and GMO food-substitutes are administratively equivalent.  If Americans knew that more than 90% of their food was GMO, or contained GMO ingredients, they would overwhelmingly reject it.  Therefore, in order to prevent them from making that mistake, the FDA forbids the labeling of GMO foods or ingredients so that they will not be able to reject what they should, actually, accept. Such is the "reasoning" of our regulators.
Not only is this bizarre and illegal (see, for example, the Supreme Court Decision in Thompson v. Western States, grounded in the Right of the People to Truthful Commercial Information) it is proof positive of collusion, yes, a conspiracy, to degrade our food and food options.
It is instructive to remember here that the Biotech/GMO companies are also pharmaceutical companies who make  the drugs that you are prescribed when these dangerous "foods" make you sick, infertile or otherwise damaged.  It is important to remember, too, that they are also the chemical companies that make the agricultural and other chemicals which are damaging and destroying your immune systems and enzymatic health.  It is a classic triple play, but the winner is the one who creates the most profit, not the most well-being.
The success of a recent case in which Monsanto has lost, yet again, on appeal, to the forces seeking to protect both organic alfalfa farmers and the environment from the insect and wind-born contamination of Monsanto's GMO alfalfa is of enormous importance.
In past years Monsanto seized hundreds of the remaining family farms because their GMO pollen has invaded - trespassed - on the fields of farmers growing the same or similar crops.  The "laws" which they pressured and maybe bribed into existence make the farmer whose land was contaminated by their genetic material the villain in the piece and horrendous penalties are levied, leading to inevitable default and seizure of the family farm.
The result?  More GMO land, fewer independent, clean farms and less clean food. And more contaminated - and contaminating - pollen on the insects and on the wind.  Ultimately, more silent danger in your grocery store, unlabeled danger.

The Natural Solutions Foundation Action Item calling for a ban on GMOs, link, challenges every legislator in the US, every Governor, every Member of Congress, the Secretaries of Health and Human Services, the EPA, the US Department of Commerce and the US Department of Agriculture, as well as President Obama to protect the nation they are sworn to protect and defend by -
1. Declaring a total "Precautionary Principle Ban" on GMO crops and animals grown, used or incorporated into foods, medicines or crops in the United States, or imported into the country.
2.  Initiating a 10 year research commitment to conduct and evaluate studies on the impact of GMOs that have been already unleashed on our environment at every level.  The researchers must reveal all financial and other ties with GMO or related companies, even distantly related, and will, without exception, disqualify investigators and others from participation in this evaluation project. 
Biotech companies have announced that they cannot control the spread of their patented genetic material into clean crops and wild-breeding animals (such as fish). They must therefore be held responsible for the imminent danger in which they have placed us all.
We Need Your Help!

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation are asking you to get ready to become dissemination points on the next vitally important battle.

Towards the end of the last Bush administration, even the catastrophically-high, permitted contamination level for organic foods, a whopping and shameful 10% (in contrast to the rest of the world's permitted contamination level of either 0.09% or 0.1%!!!!!!) was revised to allow the current permitted level to "float" so that the limits are whatever is easy for industry - with no upper limit whatsoever. NONE!

Real Organic Food and GMO "Franken-food" Cannot Co-exist

Over time, the genetic drift will inevitably contaminate the entire world's biosphere.  Monsanto will then, under current legal standards, accomplish its goal: to own the world's food supply.
Independent science is showing what we have been saying all along: GMOs are dangerous to our health, our fertility and our environment. Further, they are dangerous to our health freedom, the right to control what goes into our bodies.

It is a Globalist Agenda absurdity that holds that they are, in fact, "food" at all. GMOs are commercial properties but that does not make them fit for human consumption.

It is the judicial and regulatory corruption of pseudoscientific deceit standing in the muck of conflicted interest - heavily conflicted interest -  by the companies which make and market the GMOs which allows them to be classified as fit for consumption by animals or humans, allows them in our environment or allows them to be patented.
Modern science makes it clear that there is no validity to the basis upon which those patents have been granted, which is the theory of "one gene, one function."  We know now that each gene can produce a wide variety of effects, depending on such factors as the genes in its vicinity and the nutritional surround in which the gene is functioning, whether its neighbors have been switched on or off, and a host of other factors. What is done with your body may pass "exogenes" to the next generation controlling its potential.

Indeed, part of the awesome dangers posed by GMO foods is that their inserted genes are not stable, moving from one location to another inside the nucleus into which they have been inserted and therefore creating novel proteins which -
a. Have never existed before on the planet or in any of its creatures
b. Are totally unknown in terms of short, or long, term biological impact on any aspect of health, fertility and longevity
c. Differ from cell to cell, leading to a shifting picture of  "chimeras", or genetic mosaic cells which are not identical to each other either in cell function or type even if they were all identical before their makeup was altered by the ingestion or incorporation of novel genetic material
d. Have no common enzymatic of functional blue print within the body because of the novel genes and their inconsistent activity.

Monsanto generally does not lose cases. Recently, though, courts have begun to understand the risks and an important 9th Circuit private property rights case that Monsanto lost is heading to the Supreme Court. IF the Supreme Court chooses to deal with the issue of wind and insect contamination of GMO crops (trespass on farmers' property) this will be a milestone and a half toward safe, clean, unadulterated food.  We need to follow up these outstanding events by pressing the advantage which this case gives us going forward.

Then there is the disastrous (sic) "Food Safety" bill, S. 510, held over from before Christmas Break. If passed, this bill will usher in a complete rout of the organic and clean food sectors of our food system.  Reporting requirements and draconian penalties are so extreme that small farmers, unable to hire battalions of accountants and clerks will be driven out of business.


Our sources tell us that the principle architect of this loathsome excuse for legislation is, of course, Monsanto.

If you want foodless food on your tables, and in your bodies, do nothing.
If, on the other hand, the quality of both your health and your freedom, and, hence, your food, matters to you, this a time for concerted and vigorous action:
1. Take both Action Items, to say NO!!!!! to GMOs  and
o protect our family healthy food in the form of the disastrous # 501 bill.  Please take this action item seriously  and submit it once for each member of your family.
2. Disseminate both of these Action Items to every single person you can reach, asking them to take these action steps once for every member of their families and disseminate them to their entire circle of influence
3. Find novel ways to share this information: fliers with the links of the Natural Solutions Foundation, its Blog and its Action Items, for example

4. Contact Kathy,

, for an Organizer's eHandbook to help you disseminate this information in your community - local organizing, on the Tea Party model, is powerful Push Back!
5. Donate as generously as you can.  Go to Your 100% tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation,, makes it possible for us to protect both your health and your health freedom.
It is possible to stop the ogre: like Jack and the Beanstalk, when we take the tools that we have at hand, especially the legal ones, as we are doing with the Stop the Shot Litigation to defend against the H1N1 and other flu vaccines, we can prevail.

Is It Easy? No, of Course Not!

Can It Be Done?  OF COURSE!

Can it be done? Yes, with determination, grit and resources.
We supply the grit, you supply the determination and the resources.
Together, we are the HEALTH FREEDOM TEAM, the Natural Solutions Foundation, which is the Voice of Global Health Freedom™ because of you.
Now is the time to act to make it clear to the power system that the real power lies in our hands! Push Back Works!
Take Down works, too, and it's time to push back and take down this threat to health and freedom.

Take this Action Item once for each member of your family and then pass it on, and on and on.  The life you save WILL be your own!

Featured Articles &Videos

Two Powerful Articles!

Dr. Rima on Clinical Experience, Autism and  Big Pharma Lies

"We are learning to understand the causes of autism through the clinical experience of advanced healthcare physicians and other natural healers. Our experience shows that poisoning of detoxification pathways and cellular energy metabolism capacity is the underlying condition. When properly diagnosed and treated, even the most cataclysmic neurological disasters caused by environmental toxification, intentional or otherwise, can be ameliorated, improved or, in most cases, actually, dare I say it? "CURED"! Yes, cured! And cured through the use of natural means and common-sense lifestyle changes...
Read the rest:

Sharry Edwards MEd on Countervailing Frequencies, Pandemics and Vaccines -

Although the "Swine Flu" pandemic did not, and most likely will not, materialize, we thought we'd share this interesting information from Sharry Edwards MEd, since we know a number of people on the Action eAlert list are interested in frequency work. The Trustees of the Foundation consider Ms. Edwards' work to be among the most advanced in the field.
Read the rest:

Great Videos!

Gen. Bert on the Global Eugenics Agenda:
Part Two:

Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert report on the

Health Freedom War Council:

Dr. Rima and Gov. Jesse Ventura Discuss the Vaccination Holocaust:

Watch the Archived Health Freedom War Council Webinar: If you missed the Health Freedom USA War Council on Jan 2, 3, 2010, you will be able to learn from our outstanding experts.  Stay tuned! Your $99 donation brings you two full days + of information you won't want to miss! Sign up now:

You'll get download instructions in your email box.

War Council Summary:

Internet Radio

Health Freedom On the Air


Every Wednesday 8-10 PM Eastern

Don't Miss The Dr. Rima Reports: Your Health Freedom, Your Way at every Wednesday, 8-10 PM Eastern time, archived at

Want to learn more about our radio appearances and interviews?

Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine on
Blog Talk Radio's True Patriot News

Ralph Fucetola JD
NJ & NY Renewed Vax Mandates!
Stop the Shot Litigation Moving Forward

As the New Year starts and while both FDA and CDC try to frighten us with no-longer believable "Swine-Flu-Pandemic Third Wave" tales...
You may recall our federal law suit ended when the New York health care worker flu vaccine mandate itself was suspended for alleged lack of vaccines. No vaccines, no mandate; no mandate, no court case.
See: [Video Report]
Well, they're back! "Governor David A. Paterson today announced that the State Department of Health (DOH) is reinstating the requirement that hospitals offer the H1N1 flu vaccine to the caregivers of newborns in intensive care and hospital patients who are 65 years of age or older. The reinstated requirement was made possible by increased supplies of vaccine."....

Meanwhile, the New Jersey licensed childcare attendance mandate has also come back into effect. NJ was the only other state-wide flu vaccine mandate in the US. It had also been suspended for alleged lack of supply (curiously just as we were seeking to amend the Complaint in the "Stop the Shot" case to include the NJ mandate). That suspension covered 2009, so in this new year a new annual flu vaccine requirement exists.
Read more at:

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1/2 lb bag costs $18.99 Donate $25 (plus shipping) and get a bag free!
All donations tax deductible.

Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

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Nano Silver: Then Universal Remedy "THEY" Definitely Do NOT Want You to Know About (or Have!)

Click on "Products", Scroll Down to "Silver Solutions"

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Food Freedom eJournal
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Supporter Survey

CLICK: Tell the Senate to protect natural food solutions in the pending S.510 fake "Food Safety" bill.

CLICK: Tell the Senate to protect natural healing in any healthcare bill.

CLICK: Take the HealthKeeper's Oath: refuse to participate in using the medical system to create a police state

CLICK: Tell President Obama to rescind dangerous, unnecessary Health Emergency

CLICK: Tell Congress You Want Safe, Labeled Non GM Food! Get Congressional Co-Sponsors for Vital GMO Label, Safety Bills

CLICK: Force FDA to Allow Information About Health and Foods!

CLICK: Stop Compulsory Vaccination

CLICK: Tell Your Legislators to Oppose All Restrictions on Nutritional Free Speech

CLICK: Tell Legislators to Protect You From Dental Mercury

CLICK: Become a Health Freedom Community Organizer

CLICK: Say NO! to Forced Vaccines Sign the Tiburon Declaration


CLICK: Treat Yourself to Health Freedom's Coffee!

CLICK: Shop Our Online Organic Store

CLICK: Visit Our New Marketplace of Recommended Products

CLICK: Order "Nutricide: The DVD" Today

CLICK: Order Codex eBook

CLICK: Order Silver Solution (Go to Products tab and then Silver Solution in left column)

CLICK: Detox Pads are Here! Detox While You Sleep!

CLICK: Increase Stem Cells Naturally

CLICK: Have a Product or Service You Want to Put In Front of Health Freedom Supporters?


CLICK: Join No-Forced-Vaccine Forum

CLICK: Join the Food and Farming Forum

CLICK: Join the Just Say No to GMO Forum

IMPORTANT! Keep Health Freedom Free. Make Your Recurring Donation Now


Welcome! In This Issue:

And don't forget the video of the day and the health freedom blog, both on our website.

It's a Beautiful World

The General's Communique

SUMMARY: In eleifend iaculis nulla. Nunc adipiscing libero sed velit. Pellentesque quam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam lacus. Morbi nec diam quis pede varius lacinia. Pellentesque dictum dolor nec lacus.

In eleifend iaculis nulla. Nunc adipiscing libero sed velit. Pellentesque quam. Mauris condimentum luctus metus. Duis lacus. Duis imperdiet nibh a mauris. Phasellus imperdiet pretium sem.

Vivamus pede lacus, dapibus ut, vestibulum id, facilisis vel, magna. Sed egestas, felis ac gravida interdum, velit nisi euismod purus, ac pulvinar urna mi eget magna. Integer vitae leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi purus nulla, tristique eget, elementum sed, commodo eget, lectus.

Cras ac nunc a lacus egestas rutrum. Nullam pharetra tortor ut nunc ultricies ullamcorper. Aliquam rutrum rhoncus lacus. Integer sem felis, varius nec, congue et, dignissim id, lorem.

Legal Eagle

SUMMARY: In eleifend iaculis nulla. Nunc adipiscing libero sed velit. Pellentesque quam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam lacus. Morbi nec diam quis pede varius lacinia. Pellentesque dictum dolor nec lacus.

In eleifend iaculis nulla. Nunc adipiscing libero sed velit. Pellentesque quam. Mauris condimentum luctus metus. Duis lacus. Duis imperdiet nibh a mauris. Phasellus imperdiet pretium sem.

Vivamus pede lacus, dapibus ut, vestibulum id, facilisis vel, magna. Sed egestas, felis ac gravida interdum, velit nisi euismod purus, ac pulvinar urna mi eget magna. Integer vitae leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi purus nulla, tristique eget, elementum sed, commodo eget, lectus.

Cras ac nunc a lacus egestas rutrum. Nullam pharetra tortor ut nunc ultricies ullamcorper. Aliquam rutrum rhoncus lacus. Integer sem felis, varius nec, congue et, dignissim id, lorem.

Health Freedom News

SUMMARY: In eleifend iaculis nulla. Nunc adipiscing libero sed velit. Pellentesque quam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam lacus. Morbi nec diam quis pede varius lacinia. Pellentesque dictum dolor nec lacus.

In eleifend iaculis nulla. Nunc adipiscing libero sed velit. Pellentesque quam. Mauris condimentum luctus metus. Duis lacus. Duis imperdiet nibh a mauris. Phasellus imperdiet pretium sem.

Vivamus pede lacus, dapibus ut, vestibulum id, facilisis vel, magna. Sed egestas, felis ac gravida interdum, velit nisi euismod purus, ac pulvinar urna mi eget magna. Integer vitae leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi purus nulla, tristique eget, elementum sed, commodo eget, lectus.

Cras ac nunc a lacus egestas rutrum. Nullam pharetra tortor ut nunc ultricies ullamcorper. Aliquam rutrum rhoncus lacus. Integer sem felis, varius nec, congue et, dignissim id, lorem.

Dr. Rima Recommends

Apricot Almond Bar

Figs*, Agave Nectar*, Apricots*, Flaxseed Ground, Sorghum, Soy Flour*, Soy Nuts*, Raw Almonds*, Natural Flavor*, Spices*.

Kathy's Corner

SUMMARY: In eleifend iaculis nulla. Nunc adipiscing libero sed velit. Pellentesque quam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam lacus. Morbi nec diam quis pede varius lacinia. Pellentesque dictum dolor nec lacus.

In eleifend iaculis nulla. Nunc adipiscing libero sed velit. Pellentesque quam. Mauris condimentum luctus metus. Duis lacus. Duis imperdiet nibh a mauris. Phasellus imperdiet pretium sem.

Vivamus pede lacus, dapibus ut, vestibulum id, facilisis vel, magna. Sed egestas, felis ac gravida interdum, velit nisi euismod purus, ac pulvinar urna mi eget magna. Integer vitae leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi purus nulla, tristique eget, elementum sed, commodo eget, lectus.

Cras ac nunc a lacus egestas rutrum. Nullam pharetra tortor ut nunc ultricies ullamcorper. Aliquam rutrum rhoncus lacus. Integer sem felis, varius nec, congue et, dignissim id, lorem.

Rima LaibowYours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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CLICK: Tell Congress You Want Safe, Labeled Non GM Food! Get Congressional Co-Sponsors for Vital GMO Label, Safety Bills

CLICK: Force FDA to Allow Information About Health and Foods!

CLICK: Stop Compulsory Vaccination

CLICK: Tell Your Legislators to Oppose All Restrictions on Nutritional Free Speech

CLICK: Tell Legislators to Protect You From Dental Mercury

CLICK: Become a Health Freedom Community Organizer

CLICK: Say NO! to Forced Vaccines Sign the Tiburon Declaration


CLICK: Treat Yourself to Health Freedom's Coffee!

CLICK: Shop Our Online Organic Store

CLICK: Visit Our New Marketplace of Recommended Products

CLICK: Order "Nutricide: The DVD" Today

CLICK: Get Vaccine Exemption eBook

CLICK: Order Codex eBook

CLICK: Order Silver Solution (Go to Products tab and then Silver Solution in left column)

CLICK: Detox Pads are Here! Detox While You Sleep!

CLICK: Increase Stem Cells Naturally

CLICK: Get the BioMag Advantage

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