Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Wholefood Farmacy makes eating healthy easy, convenient and affordable. We offer pure, nutrient-dense, ready-to-eat, whole food meals, snacks, soups, smoothie mixes and treats for the children. All of our foods are vegetarian, most are raw and vegan as well. We also offer many gluten-free and nut-free whole food choices for those with food sensitivities - see our FAQ section of the Whole Food Farmacy Website for more information.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Methotrexate [methotrexate] (MTX, amethopterin, Rheumatrex, Emthexate, Methoblastin) is obesity fo,r y-ou? A myth_ or your nightma,re? Anyw_ay, this *article is mean.t f+or you, f,riend! You ,can never imagine. an'y adult who has _not yet+ been _prescribed a .course of_ antibiotic-s. You canno,t outgro,w asthma.- The symptoms, .howev*er, may reoccur+ any*time in ad*ulthood. Cho*colate can be_ gi+ven to asthmat*ics dur_ing an acute ex,acerbation i'f no. treatment is_ available. *Any antibi_otic* can suppress the _hea'lthy bacter_ia in your col+on. Follow .doctor's in'struct+ions!, Penicillin was t+he first -anti_biotic. Now the,re ex*ist more than+ one hundred. .Wha.t's yours? If you- have' a severe asthm,a it is. vitally i'mportant to+ know ho,w to use you+r inhaler cor'rectly. Th_ere is no s-ecr*et in this+ drug. I_t simply dri,ves all y.our problems. with s.ex and potenc-y! There're som,e trick+s that th.ose wi'th asthma can emp.loy that' will _help their +asthma symptom.s. An al+lergy can mak.e you -sneeze, itc.h, and wh.eeze. Most peopl_e with as-thma. have allergies*. If norm*al li+fe for you m,eans only life w,ithout all*erg.y, than this m+edication i+s crea*ted for -you. If on-ly one parent has, allergies- of any _type, cha+nces are 1 i.n 3* that each ch'ild will .have an al.lergy. Drast_ic and u*nrealistic di'et & beha,vior change.s, like 'crash diets +can seri*ously dama-ge your *health! D.o you know that n+aus,ea may be _reduced if painkil+lers are t'aken with ,a meal o_r a gla_ss of milk? Obe+sity'-s probably t_he only di,sease that -can .be caused b*y negative_ emotions o*nly. Be ver*y careful! I,f you're, tired o+f countin,g every single 'calorie, tr'y out our ne-w obesi_ty trea,tment medicat*ion. Une*mploymen't and impot+ence problems a-re major +causes o.f depression an,d suicide. in m*en. Food all-ergens -can crop up i,n the least* suspec-ted product_s, including +bean bag cha'irs,, learn more... 'Anti-biotics are some, of the mos.t pop.ular and wi.dely used me-dications al.l over -the worl_d! If +your child is _prescribed 'painkillers,' be su*re the -medicine is 'taken according' to instruc'tions! Man_y +people report dizzi_ness. as a common s.ymptom *following adm'inis.tration of p'ainkillers. .One o_f the most com.mon si-de effects ,of antibi,otics is yeast ov-erg'rowth. It's dang,erous… Erecti*le *dysfunction may -be cause+d by factors, 'psychol'ogical facto-rs or b-y medicati.ons. I.f you're of c-ounting every +single_ calorie, tr-y out ou'r new obes,ity treatment medic*ati'on. You sh+ould know all the_ risk* factors to avo'id o+besity!* Learn more n-ow and l,ive long & *healthy li_fe! Teens repo.rt many *reasons for ab+using pre_scription an*d over-the*-cou_nter drugs li-ke paink_illers. What i+nnova'tions can ,be found in p,harmac.euticals? 'Most inn.ovative all-ergy treatment' for you! -In the p'ast, many people, thou-ght obesit,y was _simply cause+d by overeating &' und-er-exercising.* After cont,inued use o,f pain_ killi+ng drugs, mi'ld side effe.cts usu*ally resolve .within a few _day.s. Antibiotics are* .the first 'line of defense, agai,nst many infections+. But t_hey do not* affect vi+ruses.- Older men have' th-e highest suicide ,rate in the- w'orld due to p,roblems wi*th masculine he_al+th. Guess wha+t that is:_ caused by pol+len or *dust and+ results in ru.nning nose +and ,watery eye_s? Healt.hy weight is usua_lly achi'eved by di-etary change-s and* activity o+r taking+ medicine! +Tight underw*ear is not amo*ng the r'egular c_auses of erect+ile dysfun.ction,- as people ,often say. Ame-rica',s most popula+r impotence' medicat-ions have nev-er been t.hat cheap!+ Tr*y out! Ever+yone age 2,0 & older shoul*d h'ave their ch+olesterol mea.sured at least' once ever,y .5 years. C*ontrolling your* cholestero+l lev.el has never. been that easy'! T.ry it out your+self to make+! If no-rmal life for you m+eans+ only life+ without allerg.y, t'han this ,medication is. created fo*r you. +Seasonal allerg,y is that I can n,ot hear about a.ny +more. Jus,t gimme the new' drug! People' te+nd to over+eat all the tim,e and finall.y many o.f them bec+ome+ obese. Is. it your path_ as well? Obesi,ty increase*s your* risk of* developin-g gallbladder 'disease, typ'e 2 ,diabetes & he-art dise.ase. Do y.ou know+ the early s*igns of .an asthma attac,k? Thei,r variety _may really s,urprise y_ou. How risky is' it_ for people+ with food all'ergies to+ eat- out? This ar-ticle e_xplores the risks- and h_orrors *Long-term plan of o.besi+ty treatme+nt thorough,ly discus+sed with your d-octor c,an be the best* way! Hay *fever+… These .two littl_e words turn my +life upside_ down ever*y y_ear! But n-ow it's over! _Asthma -causes recu*rring periods .of wheez-ing, short'ness of br,eath, and ches*t tightnes_s. Non*-breas*t children run a h_igher+ risk of a_utoimmune ,disorder.s and are more 'prone to a'sth_ma. If you've+ gained a p,recious gi*ft of aller'gic reactio,ns from natur+e, you+ should nev,er g.ive up. Pe*ople who bec*ome addi+cted to drugs 'usually ,initially choose+ to them. W'atch out! *Misuse ,of painkillers c*an be ex.tremely. harmful and .even dead,ly. Observe. doctor's +instr_uctions! the may help a+ lot, but ,some pe'ople still ,need dr'ugs to reduce the*i_r choleste'rol. It is _quite safe to tak,e your _pain relief -dru_g for as long .as you nee.d to, i'f it is help+ing your p_ain. Taking a. painkil*ler rem*ember to co,nsult with your h,e,alth care provider' first,! It's im*portant! Hig-h doses, of alcohol v*an affect- your ab_ility to ha-ve sex with you_r par,tner. Try to be+ reasonable,. P.lants such a*s poison ivy, .oak and, sumac are the- mos't common' skin allergy trig-gers. Watc.h out! Peo-p.le tend to overea+t all' the time and fin'ally man.y o_f them become obe,se. Is it y*our- path as w-ell? Knowing+ the variou+s reasons ,that people_ becom+e obese can he_lp you un'dersta*nd your stru'ggle. It's i*mportant to painkillers_ may be t.aken i.n combinations *with other *medicat*ions. Pain*killers -are prescribe+d for pain r'elief, .e.g. af,ter surg-ery and are only av+ail,able by pre,scription. B+abies often wh-eeze when +they ha-ve a cold_ or other i_nfection of +the airw,ays or ev-en asthma.* Fighting ob*esity .is naturally ex*haustin'g! You'd be*tter eat a' hearty supp-er .before you g,o on dieting_! This off+er w.ill change your wh,ole li.fe! It will -bring h,armony *and sex into yo+ur family_ life! Unemplo'yment and 'impotence, prob+lems are ma.jor causes of *dep.ression and sui_cide *in men. Obesity in+creases *your risk o+f deve_loping high b.lood pressu're &' cancer of the b_reast., prosta.te. It's hard to t-hink abo+ut the time. when +you may face +impotence+ and lo*se your p_otency! Frequen.t stres,s and tension i.s not good' for_ people who, suffer from asthma attacks. *If y+ou are overwe.ight ,- ask your doctor _if. you need me*dicine to hel*p low_er your ch_olesterol. Ther.e is no i*deal m*edication _for potency improv+em_ent but this amaz_ing dis'covery+! Plants such as -poi*son ivy, oak and, suma+c are the m_ost common' skin a'llergy triggers. Wa+tc-h out! Alcohol,, impotenc+e and sub,stance abuse* is .five times more com_mon in' men than in* wom.en. All natural, unique, ingredients. from all p,arts of -the world _are at your se+rvice' to improve se_x! Inst_ead of turning* to sur,gery *to treat yo'ur erectile dysf,unction-, why not giv*e natural th-e-rapy a try?, High blood pr-essure ca+n be c'aused by being ob-ese *and overweigh*t. Think- about your _health! All_ the s'ecrets of 'ultimate masculin*e power a*nd p+otency ar*e revealed- in one series ,of let+ters! You shou'ld not ,be afraid of. pain relief +drugs b'ut you sh-ould take* them responsibl-y, remember.! I always' feel sorr+y about ob-ese & o,verweight peo.ple. Th*ey ha-ve so many- problems in life. 'Don't wai-t for pain to -come ,back before+ taking y'our painkill-er or you m_ay be in pai.n in* vain. It's a'lway+s better to be wel-l-inform.ed about the 'medi.cation you take' i'n order to av'oid misuse.. Should* healthy pe'ople take cholest.erol-lo+wering dru*g even if. they have no_ high 'cholesterol? I,t ,sometimes ,takes time and *care to get th'ings ex,actly r*ight whe*n taking ,pain relief med'ication. Phys_ical signs .of painki.llers o'verdose includ-e pin*point pupil-s, cold a+nd clammy skin*, confusi-on.' At what do you suppo_se to lose' your sexual. power and s-tart +your never-endi*ng s-truggle? Early- asthm'a warni'ng signs incl-ude wheezi*ng or cough*ing after exe.rcise,* being moody. I +do not was+te ti+me on thin*king about my+ sexual p-erformanc,e! I tak+e a pill -and have sex! Fee*l fre+e to impr'ove your sexual ,perfo+rmance and +live long a.nd hap_py life of a wo-maniz_er! Many times, s+inusitis t.ri+ggers ast.hma symptoms,* such a_s coughing, sneez*ing' and wheezing_. If you have +asthma,tic chil*dren it i.s essential for yo'u to, know the'se simple b'ut effective f*acts. +Most research'ers believe th*at- different patte'rns of a.sthma are 'all relat,ed to one *condition. Mo'st allerg-y-provoking, are widespr,ead, throughout t.he world*. Have yo-ur drug on you! Me*n sufferin+g f-rom depression ar.e mor+e likely to be *given cus'todial sente,nces th'an women.* How many c-alories -do you consum-e ever'y day? Ma_y be I is .the key to yo*ur ideal wei-ght? Try ou*t! Most, peop-le who die from a s*evere a+sthma att,ack delayed. goi-ng to the hospital.+ Be- careful! If the* man's, health is n'ormal, erec,tions sho,uld be .automatic, my e,x-wife used. to tell m+e.' Rubbish! It 'is estim_ated tha*t about 1 in 10 *adult ma-les suffer f,rom i*mpotence on a* long-term ba-sis. Asthma .is a co-nditio.n in which ai+rflow of_ the lung.s may be partial+ly, blocked by swellin_g. Avoidi+ng alle*rgic peo'ple does not sa've you fro+m aller*gens – the,y are +everywher.e, watch out! Many ,times,, sinusit-is triggers +asthma_ symptoms,' such as coughi-ng, snee_zing and w_heezing. I kno*w everyth'ing abo_ut worl_d most popular me'dica,tions for impoten.ce, treatment! Reco.gnizing' these signs, -you .can stop an a,sthma a_ttack or preven_t one from g,etting w'orse. If' you'_ve ever been tre_ated *for severe pain yo-u know j.ust ho*w vital *pain medications c,an be., Learn more ab+out a_dult-onse*t asthma and -how you +can treat the _symptoms to- breathe e_asily.+ Choles*terol, a c*hemical *compound produce,d by the bod,y, is a c.ombinati'on of fat and *steroi+d. which fo'ods are+ most likely_ to caus.e a breath,ing proble*m, & take p*reventive_ steps! Losing- your 'body fat _may turn o*ut to be a_ tough job+. But you shou_ld try the -alter'native medicatio+n! For ol.der men., the of alcoho_l, even .in small amount+s may in+hibit erectil'e capac-ity. Be.ware! If you ar.e overweight,, lose w-eight. Even a* small w.eight l+oss helps lower _your ba,d chol+esterol If you h,ave other r,isk fa'ctors as well' as high _cholesterol,- this risk, i*ncreases even mo're., Young girls who s.tare at m.odels from _ma_gazines feel th*emselves d+efecti*ve and eat to.o much then,. The more_ you kn+ow about your *medi'cation befor*e taking it th*e bette.r for you! Beli.eve _me! I do_n't need to be +a docto,r to tell you w+hat' impotence tr+eatment is* the most effect_ive on_e! Drast*ic and unreal-istic diet & _b-ehavior changes-, like crash* diets *can seri,ously damage yo*ur .health! No* one knows ho*w and why such' horrible di'seases li-ke as,thma their poor vi-cti'ms. Remember th+at pe'ople taking painki,llers shou,ld drin*k at least 64- oz. of w.ater each *day. Obesi'ty – this s,ho*rt world sc'ares peop.le allover the w_orld to ,death. T,hose peopl.e who under*stand! C-hildren m_ay have hig+h cholesterol lev'el. It -can cause pr+oblem_s when the c+hild gets old'er.- Studies show men betwe_en the _ages of 4,0 and 7+0 face s+evere problems wit+h p+otency. Fa*ilure to achi_eve an e+rection l,ess than 20% of t_he time* is not un,usual for +men after '40 years. C_ut back on fo+ods with .lot_s of fat +such as fa_tty meats, fri,ed foods, lard-, margari-ne and oi,ls. 'Smoke is a powerful- trigger o-f asthma .symptoms.. Ta+ke care of the air 'you ,breathe ,in! About 3 % of A-meric'ans, or 6.8 mi-llio,n, were morbidly 'obese i*n 2005, acco-rdi'ng to statistics.. More th-an 72 million' people s*uffer fro.m obesi.ty and -related diseases i-n the Uni*ted .States. Allergy +can take y.ou, all by surprise .all of a sud*den ev*en when, you are' driving a car! Tak'e care! ,Women .suffer f-rom obesity ju+st as o'ften as men ,do, but. they get* depressed m+uch more often. N,e,w medicine wil-l help prevent. the 'symptoms fr+om worsening a_nd causin_g an as*thma attac-k. If you+'ve ever been 'treated for. s_evere pain+ you know just how+ vital pain_ medicati-ons ,can be. Don't l*et you_r hunger ove+rcome your d_esire to l.ook good'! Thin*k about obese *people an+d kids. P+ain relief *medication+s have some com.mon s*ide effects tha't are g'enera*lly mild in sever+it_y. Obesity is th,e result of_ the .body's i_nability to bal.ance calorie i.n_take and e+nergy expend-iture. High 'blood cholester*ol is one. of the ma_jo+r risk factors +for h'eart diseas+e. Learn more- now! You d-on't hav+e to spend .all you.r money o'n erectile dysfu,nction treatm.en't. It's sal*e time! _Men should not at+tempt in_tercourse if t+he*y are not in 'the mood beca'use *it can affect pote'n'cy. We want yo-u to take cont+rol o_f your _asthma symptoms a-nd ,live an ac,tive life. Help us *now! Ai+r pollu'tion in c'ontemporary meg*alopolises, is so po*lluted that* people o-ften cat*ch aller_gies. There -are hundreds -of other a+sthmatic.s. Stop s+ufferi-ng in solit'ude! Take g'ood care of- yourse,lf! A child t'hat is overweigh*t +will likely_ be over'weight as an adul't. Think abo-ut y_our kid's f'uture! This typ-e of ant+ibio_tic naturally* turned con,temporary ph,armacy up-side do,wn. You +should try! -Knowing everyth,ing+ about asthma_ and i*ts symptoms +doesn't give, a guarante,e of prote+ction. Ast*hma toge_ther with a-llergy, is one of th*e most common h,ea-lth problems in the- United S-ta_tes. When you .eat foods with. lots of fa_t+ or cholestero+l, you can- have t.oo much of it* in your bloo_d. is nothing. shocking th'at ,impotence_ found you! How a,re yo-u going to _deal wit,h it? Erectile dys*function m*a,y be caused b+y physical fac*tors*, psychological fa-ctors or ,by' medicatio'ns. Most men with _impot+ence ha-ve underlying +physical c.onditio,ns such as diabete*s or dep,ressi*on. If yo+u live in a+ big city +and have little c*hi_ldren you are at. ri,sk of gett*ing ill with some a-llergy._ Do you wa,nt a diet+ to lower cho'lesterol,? Le_arn more now and li_ve l,ong, coo_l and happy life! 'Tr+y out alter_native methods of- 'potency im,provement bef,ore you decide -to try sur*gery. Yo+u'll never ge-t -addicted to a pain,killer- if you consu_lt with yo_ur d*octor and f,ollow inst_ructions.* Unfortunate+ly, ant*ibiotics do not c_ure, the common cold,. flu or _any other ,bad vi+ral infection*s. A major ca'use of se+vere -asthma is, cigarette ,smoke, either- 1st o-r 2nd hand. Avoi*d smoking! 'I will ne+ver buy +another a'ntibio'tic becaus'e this one has pro_ved its, efficienc*y. It's the' best! Learn *how to man-a_ge daily stress_ so t'hat you can r_educe y'our asthma symptoms.. efexor Ca_re-O-Pet, (rimadyl, c,arprofen) - +Misoprostol — Ga+stric+ Ulcers, Ulcers P.reven.tion, Stomach -Protection o-nchocerc-iasis asth'ma Mecli*zine — Nau_sea, Vomiti-ng, Dizzi*ness, Mot,ion Sicknes-s, Vertigo ,Anafranil [-anaf_ranil] (Cl+omipramine, Clofr*anil, _Clopram, Clopr-an, Clopres,s,' Equinorm, Hyd.iphen*, Maronil, Plac_il) Yagara (He-r_bal Viagra) [ya'gara] (Her-bal Viag+ra) Aciphex (Rab.eprazole,, P_ariet, Rablet) infe_r.tility Nime-sulide Gel — Tendi', Pain,_ Inflammatio*n chlorhexid*ine glu.conate P-arkinsonism eup-ramin Co*lon Clean Sup*reme — Bloat+ing, -Constipati'on, Intestina+l Bl-ockage, Co+lon Cleansing,* Detoxifying Ac.idity N,altr'exone (Revia,_ Depade) F'lomax — BPH, Be*nign Pro,static Hy_perpl,asia, Prostate E.nlargemen_t En-dometrial Cancer he_a,rtburn meyerd_onal Dic*lofenac (Voltare+n, .Voveran, V_oltarol, Voltar_ol SR, Volt_arol .Retard, Voltaro.l Rapid,- Diclom'ax SR, Dicloma_x Retard, Mo_tif'ene, Defen-ac, Diclof.ex, Diclozip, Dy*loject,, Fenactol, Flamr_ase', Flamatak, Econa'c, Rhumalg'a-n SR, Rhumalgan XL., +Volsaid SR) bu.rsiti+s Liv.52 Capsules. [liv52ca_ps] gastrosi_l Ovarian+ St+imulation aci'vir Cold Melph.alan _(Alkeran, +Alphalan) JRA- siladryl ,anthelmintic* fur.adantin Foot Care .Cream '[footcar,ecream] Z_ Zaditor (ket'otifen fumar,ate) ge*riforte *Hytrin (Terazo+sin) t,ubo-ovarian fus.idic _acid avandamet Inf-ections L+ukol '— Weight Loss, O+besity, +Ayurveda pink* vi*agra movox Lovas.ta+tin [lovas-tatin] (Dilucid, Li'pero_l, Lovastin, Me.disorbin,, Medosta-tin, Mevacor,, M*evinacor, Rovaco_r, Altoprev) ,sensiva.l lasix ,L Lamictal (La,motrigin*e) ralove.ra Medrol (Met,hylp'rednisolone, Ze,mpred, Ph.oce_nta, Solu-Medrol,+ Cadista*) norlev-o Lotrel, — High Blood Pr,ess-ure, Hypertension- Versico*lor Tofran+il — D'epression, A*ntidepr.essant, Enuresis,' Bedwetting -Neurob-ion Forte (*B1+B6+B12)+ xylocaine +carloc musc,ular+ aches Zyprexa (O+lanza'pine, Zalasta,- Zolafren*, Olzapin, -Rex-apin) Prolact*inoma Trent-al —- Periphera+l Vascular D+isease, Intermit_tent Clau,dication, Ch,ronic O-cclusive ,Arterial Disea+se l'ean tea' Wellbutrin SR (.Bupropi'on, Amf'ebutamone, Wellbut,ri'n, Zyban, Budeprio+n, Buproban+) tras,tal Kapikachhu' adaptoge*n A.complia (Rimona*bant, Bethin-, Mon.aslim, Rem-onabent, ,Riobant, Slimon.a, Rimos*lim, Zimul*ti, Loss,_ diet, diet pills., acombl.ia) *edegra Schizop+hrenia ve_rnacetin Yaz -(Crisan-ta LS) (drospir+enone, ,ethinyl estra.diol) st.attera *Prazivet +Plus — Pets, I_ntesti.nal Parasites, A'scarids, Ho,okworms,, Whip'worms, Tapew+orms disulfir+am Ant'abuse (Disu-lfiram, Ant*abus) corv+itol V+iagra Pl_us Aricept (Do_nepezil) .Tagara* Karela — Ayurv_eda, Dia_betes, Bl-ood Sugar Mi,cohex Shampo'o [micohex] .(Malas*eb, Chlorhexid,i_ne Gluconate, Micon+azole +nitrate) verap_a+mil omnipr_ed forair Cervi*citis -Classic ED Pack (,Viagra+Ci_alis+Lev+itra) — Erect,ile- Dysfunction,, Male Enhancem,ent, Ere.ction, Impote-nce salbu+tamol eze+timibe_ sqworm Vesica+re (solifena_cin, V_esitrim., Vesikur) li-docain. dolfenal+ Anexil [,anexil] Infl*ammatory Bowel+ Disea_se Quick-Detox , Retrovi,r (Zidov_udine, Retrovis,_ Azidot+hymid-ine) ezetim+ibe/simvas_tatin Ex,foliative Dermatit-is H+ydrocortiso-ne Cream [hyd'rocorti'sone] (Locoid +Lipo*cream, Locoid, U-c*ort, Pa_ndel, NuC'ort, Cortaid' Sens-itive Ski-n w/Aloe, Kera*tol HC,, Quality *Choice Hydrocort_isone., Medi-Cortiso*ne Maxim*um Str_ength, Caldeco_rt, Medi-Fir_st Hydr,ocortisone, La.naCort Cool .Crem*e, Cortaid Maxim+um' Strength, NuZon,' Cor*tAl) meticorte.n Pros+tate Enlargem'ent proai_r Fusid,ic Acid — Antibiot_ic, S+kin Infections . Nep+hrotic +Syndrome Sinequan *(, anten, apo'n*al, deptran, Do'neurin*, Doxal, Sinquan,_ Dox+ederm, Doxep+in, Doxin,, expan, gilex,* m_areen, poldoxi*n, Quali+quan, Quitax-on, Sa,galon, Sinepin, S_inq-uan, Spectra, Xe,pin, Adapine), ant,ihistamine Zolo_ft — D*epression_, Anxiet.y, Posttrau.matic Stres-s Disorder, PTSD+, Pa-nic Disorder, +Obsessive-.Com-pulsive Disorder, O-CD, Pr-emenst,rual Dysphoric Dis_order, P'MDD Ofloxac'in [ofloxac_in] (Fl*oxin,' Exocine, F,lobacin,. Floxal, Floxstat,+ Novecin,. Oflin, O_flo, Oflodu,ra, Oflo*x, Tarav+id, Tarivid, Zan_ocin) .zandil Gastro+esophageal* Reflux Dis_eas.e colgout+ zithroma'x Cozaar —+ Diabetic Nephrop_athy, -High Blood ,Pressu-re, Hyperten+sion, Diabet'es, Stroke,_ Stroke R,isk, Left Ven*tricular Hy'pertrophy B+ayer AS+A Aspi_rin [bayeraspi_rin] (Acetyls.a'licylic Acid, ASA) 'xenical _B Bactrim- (Co-trimoxaz_ole, trim,eth-oprim, sulfame+thoxazol*e, Septra, se'ptra ds,* bactrim* ds,, ciplin ds, Sep.t+rin) REM Again_ (sleeping aid', sle*ep aid, +sleeping pi'lls, sleep'aid) quina*te Tachy_cardia Vitamin E — 'Vitam,in Femal*e Rx Plus Oil ma-ntadix e_mla +Spiriva [spiriva] _(Tiot+ropium) [n-orvasc] ( Amlodipi_ne,- Dailyvasc, Isti.n, Pe.rivasc), trichuriasis 'Imitrex Nas,al Spray — M*igrain,e, Pain, _Headache t.avist tensopril+ Yashtimadh.u [yashtima.d'hu] citalopram prin.cipen +Stomach Pa,in Me,ntat Pills Himpla*sia- — BPH, Prostat-e Enlarg_ement, Fertil_ity S+troke Risk+ Reduction preven.tion o.f orga,n rejecti,on Erectile R_ysfunction +Urgency Cef_otaxime —+ Infections, A'ntib-iotic, Me.ningitis V_ytorin (Eze+timibe/S'imvastatin, Inegy_) FM,L [fml] (-fluorometholone) li.previl, Giardi'asis bonni-san drop,s prexum c*iclosporin Altace *— High Bloo+d *Pressure, Hype_rtensi'on, Conge,stive Heart Fa,ilure, Myocardi*al In'farction, Str+oke Incr.eased E'ye Pressure ,glucophage


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