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Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Dr Rima Reports: Taking YOUR Power Back - open now!

Health & Food Freedom Action eAlert      

November 2, 2011

Your Global Voice for Health & Food Freedom & Justice


They Don't Want You to Know, But We're Winning!

Signs of powerful, effective Push Back are all around us.  Clearly the MMD, Media of Mass Deception, does not want you to realize that y/our power is enormous and that we know that we have, as John Paul Jones, when he was offered the opportunity to surrender by a British Sea Captain. said  "Not yet begun to fight!"

It used to be pretty lonely out there as a health freedom advocate.  There were a few folks proclaiming the realities, but most people could not hear them at all.  Sadly, many of the groups were either ego driven, controlled by the other side, naive or all of the above and simply wasted their energies attacking each other without producing much in the way of change.

The social climate is different now. And Natural Solutions Foundation has been responsible for a large part of that change: Advocates for health and freedom are multiplying: the truth tellers are out there in ever-increasing numbers and more people can hear them clearly than ever before.  The Natural Solutions Foundation and other pioneer organizations are watching with pride and pleasure as more and more voices add to the roar: WE OWN OUR BODIES! WE OCCUPY OUR MINDS AND OUR BODIES!

Health freedom advocates like Tim Bolen, who writes the Bolen Report, Marc Sircus, who writes IMVA Medical Reports, Mike Adams of Natural News, Jeffery Smith of the Center for Responsible Technology, Leslie Botha and Norma Erickson of SANE, Dr. Paul G. King of Co-Med, the Griers, Vandana Shiva, Byron Jennings, Jim Turner and James Gormley of Citizens for Health, Catherine J. Frompovitch, Dr. Chris Busby, ANH and so many, many more are our friends and allies.  It's not a one man band any longer!  It's a symphony of voices and wisdom, crying out, pushing back, coming at the globalists from as many directions as they are coming at us.

In this brief and very partial glimpse of the power of y/our PushBack we'll look at a few of the many health freedom advocates who are free to occupy the freedom information and activism space today on a widening array of issues.  The science has been out there for a long, long time.  But now it's not just you and I any more! An awakening public is hearing the roar of science and the roar of freedom.  And they know what you already know: they sound a lot alike!

So Many Issues! So Little Time! 

Here Are Just a Few Issues Where Y/Our PushBack is Beginning to Pay Back!


"More communities are defying, and denying fluoridation of their water than ever before.  Once a voice wailing in the wilderness, anti fluoridation advocates can cite evidence such as 'a report released late last year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention linked fluoride to an increase among children in dental fluorosis, which causes white or yellow spots on teeth that cannot be removed. About 40 percent of children ages 12 to 15 had dental fluorosis from 1999 to 2004. Teeth with fluorosis are usually brittle and start to crack and split in adults.' writes our good friend Dr. Mark Sircus.

Then there's the New York Times, which Dr. Sircus quotes as saying, "Excessive fluoride can lead to increases in bone fractures in adults as well as pain and tenderness." and the Scientific American, which conducted a sudy in 2008 concluding "fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid" and the National Fresearch Council of the National Academies (2006), which concluded “In summary, evidence of several types indicates that fluoride affects normal endocrine function or response; the effects of the fluoride-induced changes vary in degree and kind in different individuals. Fluoride is therefore an endocrine disruptor in the broad sense of altering normal endocrine function or response, although probably not in the sense of mimicking a normal hormone” 


It used to be new news that slash/burn/poison techniques do not work and generally weaken and kill patients.  It's not new news anymore.  EVERY thinking person gets it. Here is a report from a friend and supporter in Portugal (name redacted bacause his Dad is in the hospital right now and our friend is fighting to prevent the use of chemotherapy on him BEFORE any diagnosis has been made!)

"Hi Dr Rima, Ralph,

I made a discovery, there are 2 protocols [in Europe - Dr. Rima]:
    The American one - surgery first, chemo follows after.
    The European one - chemo first, surgery follows after.
Parents of a 6 year old child are in the center of a big controversy with the protocols and the arrogance of national oncologists, after a Wilms tumor [malignant tumor of childhood - Dr. Rima] has been detected in his daughter.
They said no after a first chemo and following surgery, they realized his daugther was been prepared to receive 26 sessions of heavy chemo (plus doxorubicin [another chemoatherapy drug which causes permanent heart damage in many people who receive it - Dr. Rima]), so they said NO WAY. Doctors reacted poorly, they have no freedom at all but they omitted that, politicians and financial departments make all medical decisions for them.

Hospital informed the protection of minors [Child Protective Services - Dr. Rima], court took 3 days to produce a removal order, to remove the child from her parents. The child and her parents left home to avoid being notified by the court and eventually they went to Germany where she managed to do a treatment (vaccine) with dendritic cells that have so far been found to have been a success.
So, last sunday, a 45 minutes report (in the prime time of a major national television network) was publicly presented with great impact. Yesterday, a debate was done with doctors and lawyers. Doctors said they have done everything they must do, all that is required, do not ask them to be dealing with issues of law.
But in the end, the reporter asked doctors about that now we know that there are other ways of approaching the cancer treatment. Aren't We? To which doctors were very embarrassed to answer, saying it is experimental only, still can not relying on statistical results, for now.

BAD JOKE, indeed.

[Name Redacted]

No FrankenPHUDE

This is the first of what we anticipate will be a slew of major consumer victories to know what we are eating, despite the fact that the Corporatocracy REALLY does not want you to kno3w!

The State of Ohio today agreed that it will no longer pursue regulations limiting labeling on organic dairy products. Ohio had attempted to prohibit statements on labels which informed consumers that organic dairy products are produced without antibiotics, pesticides or synthetic hormones. After the Organic Trade Association (OTA) sued the State of Ohio, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with consumers' right to know and gutted the Ohio rule, finding that it was unconstitutional. Ohio has now agreed to abandon the rule rather than trying to revive it, recognizing that the First Amendment allows organic dairy products to proudly state that they are produced in accordance with the organic standards, without the use of synthetic growth hormone

The State of Ohio today agreed that it will no longer pursue regulations limiting labeling on organic dairy products. Ohio had attempted to prohibit statements on labels which informed consumers that organic dairy products are produced without antibiotics, pesticides or synthetic hormones. After the Organic Trade Association (OTA) sued the State of Ohio, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with consumers' right to know and gutted the Ohio rule, finding that it was unconstitutional. Ohio has now agreed to abandon the rule rather than trying to revive it, recognizing that the First Amendment allows organic dairy products to proudly state that they are produced in accordance with the organic standards, without the use of synthetic growth hormone,

Here's a quickie to love: Jeffery Smith's 2 minute video, "Rigged Research"

Financial Banksterism:

Bank of America and most other major banks backed down and said that they would drop the $3-$5 charge they had announced would be added each time a debit card ) to access the card holder's own money was used.  The outcry was enormous with very little discernable empathy for the $6.5 BILLION that the banks stood to lose.

Mercury in Vaccines:

Chile has declared that all mercury must be remocved from all childhood vaccines, regardless of cost incurred in so doing. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee, at its third session in Nairobi accepted a statement from the African Regional Block (of 43 countries) demanding a legally binding prohibition on the use of mercury in vaccines and other products saying, "We therefore reiterate our position for the mercury treaty to make provisions for the phase out of the manufacturing of mercury-based products and processes where mercury free alternatives are effective and economically viable."

Since the "generous" donation of vaccines with twice the mercury present in US vaccines to African countries from the Gates Foundation and other sources would be prohibited by this agreement, Africa is saying, NO! to this arrow in the genocidal quiver!


A new study in Pediatrics, the offical journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, says, "CONCLUSIONS: Special efforts to promote influenza vaccination among rural, predominantly black students were associated with increased vaccination coverage. The school-based influenza vaccination intervention was associated with the highest levels of vaccination coverage. This study revealed the efficacy of school-based influenza education to improve vaccination rates among adolescents. " Pediatrics 2011;128 e1092-e1099 

Why bother with wresting parental control away from families with laws like the atrocious CA 499, which gives 12 year olds the right to make decisions their parents do not have to know about to be vaccinated for "sexually transmitted diseases"? Because the rate of vaccination is falling. Drastically.  Search "low vaccination rates" and see for yourself.  The bottom is falling out of the primary market (the vaccines themselves) and the astonishingly huge after-market (the disastrous chronic degenerative diseases which under nutrition [e.g, Codex/FDA/USDA] toxicity [e.g., GMOs, agrochemicals, vaccines and industrial toxins] plus vaccination precipitiates) and the genocidalist corporatists are runnin' scared.

Coupled with the staggering over-reach of the California Assemby in passing the infamous law AB 499, which allows children 12 years of age or more to agree to receive vaccinations for "sexually transmitted diseases" to national and international outrage, the vaccine lies, including lies about the safety and efficacy of the flu vaccine, Gardasil, measles and pertussis and so many other vaccines is leading to a "refusers crisis" since more and nore people are choosing to not vaccinate their kids or themselves.

Rx "Custom Pusher" Drugs:

More and more people are addicted to, or dependent upon, prescription drugs, leading to more and more dangers and deaths from these legal nostrums.  "More deaths from Opiods than Cacaine, Heroin Combined", says  the CDC in a new report. 'According to CDC director Thomas Frieden, MD, MPH, 1 out of every 20 adults in the United States — 12 million individuals — has a history of inappropriate narcotic use, a problem that largely stems from inappropriate prescribing.' 

The number of people on psychiatric drugs is nearly beyond comprehension.  They ALL cause brain and other types of damage which may be irreversible. 

Question: when prescription drugs are ALWAYS toxic and there are ALWAYS non toxic options (with the possible exception of emergency room and surgery situations), why would any of us chose the toxic option?  Well the Uber Cartel knows you think that way (so do I!) and they want to make sure that you have no options to do anything about it - Hence Europe and its loss of natural products, hence the planned similar footsteps in the US.

Nuclear Power AND Fossel Fuel: Sweden, Germany, Italy and other nations are looking for other options and shutting down reactors NOW!  A remarkable, shipping container sized 1 KW Rossi cold fusion reactor (a true free-energy machine) called the E-Cat has been tested successfully within the last few days: no radiation, no pollution, no fossle fuel, no danger, just clean, green affordable power courtesy of the Universe. And the E-Cat is just one of many such devices.  We, the people, have been fighting this one for more than 100 years and we are winning this one, too!

Occupy EVERYTHING is pushing the globalists and banksters back further than any of us imagined that they would be foreced to stagger in such a short time.  Police brutality to the contrary not withstanding, more people, not fewer, gather to demand... what? Everything - everything that we need to make things right again.  In its midst, there is a profound awakening taking place.  No matter if the Occupy movement is orchestrated or spontaneous, right, left, center, or upside down in its origen.  No matter if the impulse was genuine that got people out on the streets or not: the impulse is ringing like a bell in the hearts and minds of more and more people and, once liberated, a slave knows he or she has been a slave. Going back does not work very well.

Occupy has awakened the ferver of freedom in large numbers of hearts, and more are joining that heartbeat!

As powerful as we are becoming, however, we are creating for ourselves both the mesh of a complex and free society and the most dangerous time we have yet known.  After all, the globalists, the genocidalists, are not going down, away, or back, without a battle.  They, too, are fighting for survival and they are meaner, richer and better organized than we are.

We must meet their spite and vicious disregard of our rights and lives (after all, they want us dead - that is a pretty strong level of disregard) with strategy, peaceful power and resolute truth and with energetic dedication and sharing of information.  They are becoming more dangerous, much like a cornered mad dog.  And they have a lot of muscle in their rabid arsenal.  To win without death here we MUST be smarter, clearer, better organized, and completely ethical.  We must meet their lap dog media with independent media like these Health Freedom Action eAlerts (please sign up as many folks as you can here:, the Dr. Rima Reports every Sunday from 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern at to listen and join the live (and lively!- chat).

We are pushing back and they are stepping back.  The battle is far from over. Obviously, funding our side is harder than funding their side: they sell poisons and, when they run out of money, their friends in the Central Banks print  some more.  That does not work for our side.  But we have created several means of funding this process which we invite you to seriously consider.

1. Investment The Fund for Natural Solutions,, an investment opportunity to place your IRA or other funds in a professionally managed for-profit fund designed to make money for you and provide money for profitable "tipping point" companies and projects designed to build our ability to eat, live, heal and communicate on OUR terms, not theirs.  Interested?  Join us in Los Angeles this coming weekend November 4-6, or in Houston November 7-8, 2011 to talk seriously about these options if you can arrange to be there.  Otherwise, Ralph Fucetola, JD, Gen. Bert and I are ready to answer your questions and assist with your participation in a unique and seriously productive funding, and investment, option for health freedom.

2. Donation You can make a tax deductible donation of any size (and we certainly hope you will) by clicking here, Please consider a recurring donation.  You can also give yourself the gift of Valley of the Moon Coffee,, Health Freedom's own clean, GMO-free, toxin-free coffee from our own coffee farm in the Highlands of Panama.  Every $25 donation brings you what we are certain you will agree is the finest coffee you have ever tasted and a $20 tax deducton!  Why not make this your stocking stuffer and Corporate Gift this holiday season.  Our new crop is being harvested daily! 

3. Participation You can live (and, if you like, work) at the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in the temperate Highlands of Panama,,, our "boots on the ground" center to discover, develop, document and disseminate the natural solutions to the problems which threaten our health, wealth and autonomy. 

4. Dissemination You can be part of the force for change, the pushback, the Occupation of our own lives, regardless of your financial situation or location.  After all, spreading the word and becoming part of the pushback power is something that takes jsut a few keystrokes and mouse clicks! Take the Action Items, share them with others, forward the items you get and become a push back center!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation


UN's 7 Billion Day "Celebrated" With Calls to Get Rid of You and Yours, All in the Name of Population Pressure

But .... What If Population Pressure is a Hoax? 

After the cute pictures of adorable ethnic baby girl's fade, the real message of 7 Billion Day Lingers:
There are just too many like you.  YOU and YOURS are in the way and, sorry about that, your part of the population needs to go away.  Permanently!

The Population Explosion, it turns out, appears to be a carefully orchestrated myth to make it acceptable for decent people to condone and support genocide.  Call the rationale for that genocide "Population Explosion", call it "Sustainability", call it "Environmentalism".  It is, in fact, none of those things.  Globalists distort concepts which are useful and use them for evil.  Genocide is evil.

Check out this link to sort it out for yourself:

This article will engender a fire storm of criticism both for and against the reality of the population crisis.  That's fine.  Send your comments to It is an issue with so many consequences to our understanding that we SHOULD have vigorous debate about it.  But let me make a few things clear on a personal basis:

1. I believe passionately and personally in the right of every adult to make reproductive decisions for him and, most particularly, herself.  You may or may not agree, but that is my position personally.  No government  or other controlling organization has the right to tell me, or any other woman, what she may, must, can, cannot or should not do with her reproductive life - her body is hers.

2. Although the Population Research Institute, whose link is listed above, has close ties to the Catholic Church, the Natural Solutions Foundation and its Trustees are not connected to any religious, national or political organization of any type.

3. We believe passionately that genocide is always wrong, no matter what stripe it is painted with, no matter what rationale is cooked up.  We also believe that the best way to control population is through the empowerment of education and other activities to give women control of their reproductive lives.  World over, when women have this education and empowerment, lo and behold, they control their fertility, matching it to the resources of their environment, enhancing the health and quality of life of their family and community.

Just in case you think that the information above is overstated, take a look at CBS coverage of the "Happy Event" at  After we ooh and ah over the requisite cute little baby girl pic from the Phillipines who got a 7B-decorated chocolate cake and baby shoes we read,

"She looks so lovely," the mother, Camille Galura, whispered as she cradled the 5.5-pound baby, who was born about a month premature. The baby was the second for Galura and her partner, Florante Camacho, a struggling driver who supports the family on a tiny salary." Then comes the real message:

"Dr. Eric Tayag of the Philippines' Department of Health said later that the birth came with a warning.
"Seven billion is a number we should think about deeply," he said.
"We should really focus on the question of whether there will be food, clean water, shelter, education and a decent life for every child," he said. "If the answer is 'no,' it would be better for people to look at easing this population explosion."
Demographer Joel Cohen of Rockefeller University echoed that concern in an interview with CBS News correspondent Russ Mitchell, warning that rapid population growth, "makes almost every other problem more difficult to solve."
"If we could slow our growth rate, we have an easier job in dealing with all the other things like education, health, employment, housing, food, the environment and so on," Cohen told CBS News."

True Confessions time: I used to buy into the myth that there was a population explosion and that we were, quite literally, eating ourselves out of house and home.  Even when I was a struggling student, working my way through college and medical school, I made a small donation every month to (ZPG) Zero Population Growth. Because I am a math phobe, I do not "do" statistics and hence simply accepted the sincere-seeming statements of the folks who asserted that there was a terrible population problem.

I have learned, however, that there is a serious problem, but it is NOT population explosion.  It's lies about the population problem. We have plenty of capacity to produce food, plenty of capacity to create energy without pollution, plenty of capacity to harvest water sustainably.  What we have is intentional deception about the "problem" to justify genocide - again. ,The lies are just as intentional as the chemotherapy lies, the vaccination lies, the Codex lies.  Whom shall we blame for the population explosion lie?  Well, let's look back to Charles Darwin's cousin, Sir Frances Galton, who coined the terms "eugenics" "nature vs. nurture" and was a half-cousin to Charles Darwin. 

His beliefs on hereditary intelligence and "scientific" racial improvement attracted leading thinkers of the day including Alexander Graham Bell, William Beveridte, John Maynard Keyenes, writers and George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, Winston Churchill, Margaret Sanger, Bertrand Russell and, tragically, John D. Rockefeller, Jr.                                                     Rockefeller was a powerful advocate of eugenics, funding the Kaisser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin in 1927, long before the hand picked lunatic, Adoph Hitler, was put into power by the same cabal that brought eugenics to Germany, and the US, and Australia, and Brazil and China and Korea and Japan and on and on and on around the globe.  For more information, please see:

Nutricide: The Killing Camps of Codex:                The Genocidal Agenda:
The Genocidal Feast:

For starters, anything that John D. Rockefeller, Jr. believed in, funded and propagated turns out to be something that I not only do not believe in, but wind up spending a good deal of my life in direct oppostion to.  Like genocide.  Like allopathic medicine.  Like one world government.  Like Central Banks.  Like the United Nations.  The Natural Solutions Foundation, and you and I, resolutely, firmly and completely reject the false idea that there are “too many people” – that you and I, our parents, children, family and friends are “useless eaters” who should just die for the “good” of humanity (which means, in their concept, the globalist elite). The problem is not, despite the propaganda, that there are too many people. The problem is that there are too many people with too much greed who see everything as theirs to devour, whatever the costs.

Please take a few minutes to read the Natural Solutions Foundation's Anti Genocide Freedom Solidarity Proclamation here:

   Here's Your Chance to Meet With Dr. Rima, Gen. Bert and Counsel Ralph  -  In Person!


Join the Natural Solutions Foundation Trustees For Very Special Meetings in California and Texas, November 4-8, 2011.  The Fund for Natural Solutions,, a tipping point program, is designed to provide your portfolio with a safe haven while putting your money to work for what YOU believe: clean, sustainable, empowering and profitable projects!  As a qualified investor, we invite you to schedule a private meeting with us. 
Strictly Limited Schedule so Reservations are Required: Make Your Reservations NOW! Call 973-300-4594 for appointment or email us with "FUND" in the subject line.
Los Angeles November 4, 2011 - Hilton Woodland Hills/Los Angeles
Houston November 7, 8, 2011 - Woodlands Resort and Conference Center   
               Los Angeles Dinner: 7 PM Friday, November 4, 2011 Hilton Woodland Hills, CA                         6360 Canoga Avenue, Woodland Hills, California, United States 91367-2501
Tel: 1-818-595-1000 Space is limited! Make Your Reservation Now: Other meeting times available on a strictly limited basis, by appointment only
  Houston Dinner: 7 PM Monday, November 8, 2011 7 PM Avia Hyatt, The Woodland , TX    9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 1100 The Woodlands, TX 77380 Tel: 1-800-507-2233 Space is limited! Make Your Reservation Now: 973-300-4594 Space is limited! Make Your Reservation Now: Other meeting times available on a strictly limited basis, by appointment only
Purpose: This is a Rare Opportunity for a Personal Meeting with all Foundation Trustees to Answer Your Questions and Get the Details You Need.  Qualified Investors Are Invited to Meet With Foundation Trustees to Discuss their Participation in the Fund For Natural Solutions,
Private Placement Memo and Questionnaire:
Appointments by Reservation Only - Lunch & Dinner Scheduling
Please email

with “Fund” in the subject line to secure your appointment,

after you have filled out the questionnaire.

Valley of the Moon Coffee - No Matter What You're Doing!
Good for You, Good for the Earth, Good for Freedom! 
Health Freedom's Own Coffee!

At the Valley of the Moon Coffee Finca (Farm) in the Highlands of Panama it's harvest time., Our new coffee crop right now.  It's the Gift You Should Give Yourself this Holiday Season and Everyone On Your Corporate and Personal Gift Lists, Too! Give Health Freedom's Own Coffee - and get a tax deduction on every bag, too!

Dr. Rima Reports every Sunday morning, 10AM to 1PM Eastern
Chat & Listen:
This Sunday: Johnny Delerious: I Cured My Hepatitis C and You Can, Too!

Supporter Coordinator Kathy
Replies to Our Supporter's Questions

Have Your Heard General Bert's Emergency Message Yet?

Watch Dr. Rima's Lollipops of Life Video Here:

Great News!  Advanced Radiation Detector (Value $18,000) Donated to Make Sure Raw Materials in The Lollipops of Life for the Children of Fukushima are Not Contaminated With Radiation!

With YOUR HELP, these radio-protective lollipops will be
distributed free to the Children of Fukushima

Donate, Disseminate and Help Save Lives!

Click here to make your tax deductible donation now!

Please Help Us Help Them ...
Read more:, Join the Cause:

Please help: donate (tax exmpt in the US) at or Then circulate this information widely. The Children of Fukushima are waiting for your help.

The Fund for Natural Solutions
Clean, Green, Meaningful Investments
Have you had a difficult time locating a secure, purpose driven investment vehicle compatible with your vision for a clean, green and healthy world? Are you concerned about the future of your investment portfolio in the current political and economic climate? Are you seeking the safety of investing in real, productive, meaningful green assets?
Are you ready now to embrace the proven solution to these dilemmas?
The Fund for Natural Solutions ,, is a professionally managed investment vehicle designed to provide asset security, with expected above average ROI — a safe haven for your principle — registered with the US SEC and established in the Republic of Panama, a recognized, financially stable global banking center.
The Fund for Natural Solutions invests in commercially valuable and salable business assets. Examples currently in development are pharmaceutical-grade nutriceuticals, a fully licensed compounding pharmacy, natural product manufacture and distribution, advanced health care medical center, spa, hotel and lodging facilities, food production, processing and distribution facilities. Eco-Friendly Joint Ventures and profit centers include BeyondOrganic™ food production, education, restaurants, green construction, clinical trials for wellness products designed to manifest the mission of the fund, while producing a significant profit for investors.
Several of these projects, including our Valley of the Moon™ Coffee Finca (farm), the Dr. Rima Institute Wellness Center and the Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic™ and “Locovore” Restaurant are already operational enterprises, pointing the way for the Fund to continue profitable investment for asset protection and value-enhancement.
For further information, simply request the Private Placement Memorandum at – just use the PPM Request Questionnaire there, or email us at with “Fund PPM” in the subject line.

Natural Solutions Foundation Dots the I's and Crosses the T's!

You Can Inspect the Fund For Natural Solutions SEC Filing Here:

To create a legitimate Fund like the Fund for Natural Solutions,, even though the money will live and work offshore the proper SEC filings must be carried out.  The Form D required by the SEC has been filed and duly registered. That means that our Private Placement Memorandum is now ready for your examination and participation.  Minimum investment: $10,000.  We are able to accept retirement and non-retirement investments from qualified investors. 

Why would the largest health and food freedom and justice organization in the world create a financial investment instrument?  Simple. To fund OUR side of the war, the side that empowers, supports and organizes freedom in a massive pushback against the Globalist Agenda!  We are using OUR pooled resources to further our common good!

SEC filing information for the Form D Private Placement:
Filing No. 021-167619 / 111150148 – CIK #0001532833
Filing Date: October 20, 2011

Amount per Private Placement Memorandum: $10,000,000

The Fund for Natural Solutions is a Private Expressive Association offering confidential and privileged communication to persons interested in supporting the ongoing work of the Natural Solutions Foundation. This is not an offer of securities or any investment. If you believe you are qualified to make an investment, please go to and complete the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) request questionnaire, or reply to with "Fund PPM" in the subject line.

While the Trustees and others involved have experience in organizing agricultural projects, advanced health care systems and clinics, developing real estate and community oriented commercial or nonprofit activities, there can be no guarantee that the project will materialize in the manner suggested in this initial informational memorandum.

Final development will depend on funding through investments both from private sources and financial institutions, as well as legal development requirements. Results are also subject to changes in world financial conditions.


email with “Fund PPM” in the subject line

Thank you for considering the Fund.

Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army, Ret.) - President
Rima E. Laibow, MD – Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD - Counsel

Natural Solutions Foundation
58 Plotts Road - Newton, NJ. 07860

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