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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

As they say in DC, You DO Have a Dog in this Fight


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October 3, 2007




The Good, the Bad,
(Today, Part I) and the Ugly
(Tomorrow, Part II)

First, the Good

Health Freedom Scorecard Already

Having An Impact!

More faxes needed!

Natural Solutions Foundation supporters have been flooding the Presidential hopefuls' campaign office faxes with copies of the Health Freedom Scorecard ,
( ) our demand to know where each candidate who wants our support - and our dollars! - stands on the most significant, and one of the most invisible, issues in the US (and the world) today: Health Freedom and the power of the State versus the rights of the individual!

Obama's Campaign Responds First,

Sort Of

Read what Senator Barak Obama's Campaign has to say with just the first wave of emails hitting their faxes:

This is a real, unedited email I received last night.

Dr. Laibow,

We've recently received your Presidential Health Freedom Score Card. Thank you for your interest in the campaign and Senator Obama's position on health issues. I assure you we'll pass the message along to our policy team. In the meantime please stop faxing us copies of the scorecard. We want to respond to the policy clarification requests that is sending to us, but our whole correspondence system is based on e-mail. Please get in touch with Harry Kruglik, our correspondence chief, for the best method to get in touch with us. I'd hate to see this relationship facilitate the needless waste of more paper (literally, reams of paper printed on both sides) as we strive on this campaign to be environmentally conscious and conscientious.

Thank you for your interest once again.
--Bobby Wise

for America
Customer Service Representative

As an aside, I had not actually realized that I was a 'customer' requiring service in the eyes of a Presidential campaign, but I guess every campaign is selling us something, hoping we will buy, aren't they?

Here is my response to the Obama campaign email:

Dear Robert,
Thanks for your response. I am not faxing the Score Card to you. Our hundreds of thousands of supporters think Health Freedom is an important enough issue that they have taken it upon themselves to fax it to your office because they are eagerly awaiting Senator Obama's position on these issues. They believe, as I do, that Health Freedom is such an important issue that it must be a central part of the national debate and are eager to let Senator Obama's campaign know that.

We can change from a fax to an email correspondence if you like (and I do appreciate your concern with paper and ink - I share it very strongly!). The reason that you are getting faxes, in fact, is that when our research team went to your campaign site contact page, , there was no email given. If the way to reach Harry Kruglik is listed on the site and I missed it, I apologize but, as far as I could see, neither your kind letter nor the contact page offers me that information.

If you or Mr. Kruglik will send me a working email address which will allow our supporters to send emails instead of faxes so that the Obama campaign can see how important this issue is to our huge and vociferous base, I will be happy to switch the correspondence from fax (wasteful) to email (not wasteful).

Thanks for your response! As soon as the Obama campaign sends us his answers to the questions in the Health Freedom Score Card (and his Health Freedom plank when that is available) we will gladly circulate it as widely as we can!

Thanks again for your email.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

You see, Sen. Obama, along with 15 out of the 16 Presidential hopefuls, did not think our issue, Health Freedom, was important enough to have a policy on or a plank for his campaign about before he tossed his hat into the Presidential arena.


It's a critically important issue. We CAN make it important to every member of the Presidential playing field and, by doing that, take the discussion mainstream IF we seize the moment take action NOW.

The Bad

Like many problems, this one is not all bad and actually has a good side to it. The good side is that we've sent off 39,626 faxes to Presidential campaigns. About 1% of our supporters have taken the necessary moment to send these faxes (and where we have them, emails). The bad side is that the donations to pay for this expensive way of communicating have not kept pace with the cost. So, if you have already donated to help defray these costs, thank you but, if not, please do two things:

First, send the Health Freedom Scorecard ( ) right now. Second, make a generous tax deductible donation ( right now, too. If you can, consider a recurring donation. Click here ( for an explanation of what your donations cover and why we need them so urgently.

Going out on a financial limb like this is pretty worrisome, but I know, and trust, this community and I believe that your best instincts will come through. In fact, if every person interested in this vital area donated as little as $5 per month, we would never have to ask you for money again! More would be nice, but just a recurring donation of $5 per month would be enough to take care of our campaign needs to win the health freedom battle here and abroad!

I know that you will consider just how personal the Health Freedom battle is for you and give generously. By the way, all donations of $100 or more in round numbers (e.g., $200, $500, $10,000) will be counted toward support for our full length DVD, "Murder by the Numbers: the Codex Agenda" and we'll acknowledge your generosity in the DVD! We need 1500 people to give $100 each. Right now, 47 people have stepped up to fund this film. We need you.

Please be a Friend of Health Freedom, click on the Health Freedom Scorecard ( and ask the Presidential candidates 19 tough questions. We the people (and their potential campaign donors) want them all answered before we give a penny of support or cast a single vote.

Up until now, only one candidate has said a word about Health Freedom. We thank him for that and appreciate the strong support that Dr. Ron Paul (R-TX) gives Health Freedom. Just one voice, though, out of 16 is just not acceptable. Big Pharma won't put it there so it's up to us to get this issue into the mainstream.

Tomorrow we'll do "the Ugly" in Part II. Watch for it in your email box. Oh, and don't forget to email Part I and Part II to your entire list with a short note at the top of your emails asking them to send the Health Freedom Scorecard and sign up for Heath Freedom Action Alerts at

Thanks for your activism!




Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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Action Steps

Ask Presidential Candidates
19 Tough Health Freedom Questions:
Find Out Where They Stand

Support Health Freedom
Protection Act
H. R. 2117 at


Donate to help support
health freedom campaign at

Fund "Murder By the Numbers:
the Codex Agenda", a Full Length
Documentary DVD
Donations of $100
(in round numbers) get a
"thank you" in the DVD


Order the Codex eBook at

Health Freedom
Volunteers Urgently Needed!
Contact Grassroots
Coordinator June Trezza at

Shop at our online store
Or visit our Supporting members and sponsors.