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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Is the Health Freedom Movement Dead?

Health Freedom Alert

News, Alerts and Other information related to your health freedom.
~ Actions You Can Take Now  ~ Products That Support Your Health and Your Freedom

January 8, 2009

Mobilization Alert: An urgent new issue designed to take away access to a vitally important nutrient has surfaced.  This assault may well impact your ability to survive weaponized viruses and other pathogens.  We believe that is what it is intended to do.

More in tomorrow's Health Freedom Action eAlert (January 8, 2009).  Get ready to mobilize your entire community for freedom and survival.  Stay tuned!  Open your email tomorrow!  Your Health AND your Freedom are under a severe sneak attack.

Special Voting Information Lets Us Bring Health Freedom Into the Lime Light.

Where We Are Right Now:

As of this moment, "Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom" has slipped from 6th place to 8th place with only 4434 votes.  The top ranking idea is "Legalize Medicinal and Recreational Use of Marijuana" with 7412 votes.  That's a gap of 2978 votes!

 Come on, folks.  We can do better than that!

I know that the site may be confusing. For detailed instructions on how to use it to vote,  click here (  For an instructional video on how to use the site to vote, click here (

When you are ready, go to and vote for "Health Freedom, our First Freedom".  The system is set up to allow you to vote for 10 ideas.  We recommend that you vote for only 1 to help Health Freedom move up in the ratings.

The system is not really very intuitive and it is a bit overwhelmed, so a lot of people are getting error messages and redirects when they try to vote.  If this happens to you, please go back and try again until you succeed in voting. The value to all of us who believe in health freedom is enormous: our issue presented at the National Press Club and to President Obama on Inauguration Day!

Note: Some folks are calling us naive because we are asking you to bring this victory home on Inauguration Day.  The Natural Solutions Foundation understands very well the nature of the political theater in the US and globally.  We have no illusions about the way the system works. But the opportunity that has given us is not really about Obama or the White House.  It is about the opportunity to make Health Freedom and Natural Medicine. GMO-Free, Codex and all of our other concerns household words in the political and economic debate for the coming 4 years.  Help us help ourselves by going to and making sure that we are in first place.

Is the "Health Freedom Movement" Dead?  It Looks Like We Are the Only Live Bodies In the Neighborhood!

"Hey! Where' s the rest of the so-called 'Health Freedom Movement'? ", you might ask.  We are asking that, too. So we wrote an open letter ( asked them, one and all, to join the Natural Solutions Foundation in supporting the Health Freedom concept in this unprecedented political opportunity. We told the supposed leaders of the "HFM" that the victory was for Health Freedom,  not for us and asked them to join forces, laying aside any differences for this historic opportunity. After all, we don't claim any trademark for the term "Health Freedom."

To date, the only written response has been no response at all.  None.  Hmmm.  Some of the "Leaders" of the HFM, however, decided to respond in another way.  They called and wrote to people whom they believed to be clients (and friends) of one of our Trustees and sought to persuade them to fire him because he works with the Natural Solutions Foundation! (In legal terms, that is called "tortuous interference".)

Well, so much for either decency or the willingness to put differences aside to assure YOUR health freedom. These are the same "leaders" who refuse to obey the rules at Codex which provide an equal seat at the table with them. Instead, they, not the Codex Commission, ban us from that table.  Why have we not mentioned this before?  Because we held on to the apparently vain hope that they would behave well.  We now have relinquished that hope.

What does that tell you about leadership and commitment to your health freedom rather than .... well, whatever. I do not even have to say it.  But the groups that have chosen to either attack us for being leaders or stab us in the back by trying to take away the way Ralph makes his living are literally beneath contempt.  If that is a movement, it is best described as "Bowel".

You know that we do not attack.  There is just to much to do in the health freedom war to waste energy attacking.  We do observe, though, and we tell it just the way we see it. 

We continue to believe that such divided, disruptive and disgusting behavior gives aid and comfort to the enemy.  We speculate that at least some of it may be paid for directly by the enemy, but we are not going to waste our precious time attacking.  We do believe that winning first place in the voting benefits us all and the Natural Solutions Foundation always, but always, holds out our hand for productive cooperation.  Meanwhile, I can see no signs of life in the HFM and, aside from us, it looks like it has died of the wounds it has inflicted on itself.

Special focus groups like Non-GMO groups, No Mandatory Vaccination or Drugging groups, No Circumcision groups, Medical Privacy Groups, Raw Milk, Natural Cancer Cure, Frequency and Energy Medicine Groups, Autism Groups, Reiki Healers, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathic, Chi Gong or other issue-oriented groups are certainly the exception.  They are alive, well, and kicking very nicely, thank you!  We welcome them and invite you, if you are a member of such an issues-focused group, to get every one in your group to go to and vote.  If your issue is part of health freedom, we are there for you and thank God that you are there for all of us. Now let's get up to first place on, because the Health Freedom Movement is alive and well in the groups and passions of people who care about its issues.

The people ARE speaking and it is we, not the "HFM" who are carrying the tourch.  The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation are proud to be in your ranks!

In This Issue:

And don't forget to check the health freedom blog
You'll find it on our website -, second button down on the left.


Wake Up to Health Freedom

While You Support Your Right to

GMO Free Foods and Natural Health

Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee

I got an email chiding us for advertisements in our Health Freedom Action eAlert and asking me to drop all advertisements.  I responded that since our donations are not sufficient to cover our costs (even though all three Trustees work more than full time for zero personal compensation, as do our wonderful volunteers), there was no way, absent a major supporter or several, to cover our expenses.

But why coffee?  Because The International Decade of Nutrition has a project in Panama (as well as 2 in Africa) and we realized when we got to Panama that the fungus that decimates the coffee crop is the reason that horrific fungicides are being used.  Herbicides can be replaced with natural techniques, so can pesticides. But the coffee farmers, small-holders all, have no effective means to control this crop threat except wildly toxic chemical fungicides.

That's where we, and Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee ( come in.  I know how to cure fungus with pro-biotics and nutrients.  I do it all the time in my practice.  So we applied the same technique to coffee plants and, voila!  We cured the devastating plant disease and created an abundance and health that is breathtaking to behold.  And the spectacular coffee that we are offering to you and your friends is the first fruit.  The next fruit (and it is a very sweet one!) is that we are now gearing up to teach all the coffee farmers in this part of the world to do the same!

This is what the Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project ( does: finds natural solutions to serious problems and helps farmers and consumers reclaim the production of food.  If you want to learn more, or visit Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project, or participate in a variety of ways (including offshore participation for your IRA or living in the temperate, lush, bountiful and beautiful Highlands of Panama, be sure to visit our dedicated site,, and contact us.  We'd love to talk to you!)

So, Coffee Drinkers rejoice!  While you enjoy morning your GMO-Free, Pesticide-Free, Herbicide-Free cuppa you can also enjoy knowing that you are supporting the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time. For each $25 donation, we'll send you 1/2 pound of Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee - the only coffee that helps protect the environment, the workers, your health and health freedom, all at the same time. Click here ( to get yours now.  And thanks!

Time to Reorder!

If you've already started to drink our superb coffee (or use it for other health purposes), you'll want to make sure you don't run out.  Click here ( to reorder so you can you wake up to Health Freedom(TM) every morning! 

Not a coffee drinker? 

Please click here ( to make your tax deductible recurring donation to keep health freedom free.  It's up to you and the Natural Solutions Foundation to do that and you know that health freedom isn't free.  Nobody here but us Non GMO chickens, as the old saying [almost] goes!  Recurring donations of as little as $5 per month do make a difference.

Maj. Gen. A. N. (Bert) Stubblebine III (USA, Ret.)
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (USA, Ret)
President, Natural Solutions Foundation

The General's Communiqué
Immediate Action for Health Freedom

This Action eAlert offers all health freedom advocates a unique and important opportunity to bring Health Freedom into the well-deserved limelight of national and international attention.  We have a unique and narrow window of opportunity, from January 5 - January 15, 2009 provided to us by the clever and innovative use of the internet by

During that time, visitors to the site will be able to determine which of the ideas presented are important to them and vote for those ideas.  The top ten ideas will be presented to President Obama on Inauguration Day and announced at the National Press Club.  When we found out about it, the Natural Solutions Foundation instantly asked all of our many supporters and friends to jump on the opportunity.  Perhaps you saw our email about this vote. Between the evening of December 30 and close of voting December 31, 2008, we were able to catapult Health Freedom from 98th place to 3rd place, qualifying Health Freedom for the second, and final, round of voting.

All of you who voted in Round One: THANK YOU for making this possible!!

This shows that the "net root" members of the Health Freedom community are coming together with this outstanding opportunity and we can all agree on one thing: that Health Freedom MUST come in as idea number 1 since Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom.  All other freedoms derive from it.  If we are not the owners of our bodies, then we cannot consider ourselves free men and women, nor the legitimate custodians and guardians of our children.

We estimate that it will take at least 25,000 votes to secure a top position in Round Two.

So the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation urge you to join us in propagating this opportunity as widely as you can. Voting is a bit complicated so follow these instructions carefully and forward them when you ask your lists, your friends, your groups, your contacts, your associates and everyone else you can think of, to vote:

Between now and 5PM Eastern, January 15, visit and vote for Health Freedom to bring it in as one of the top 10 ideas.  A Press Conference at the National Press Club and a prsentation to President Obama on Inauguration day will thrust Health Freedom into the national and interantional lime light, which is where it belongs since Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom.

Mouse Warriors, this is an important Health Freedom operation and we need each of you to take immediate action!

When you read tomorrow's Health Freedom Action eAlert you will realize, yet again, that health freedom can save our lives. Take health freedom away and we may literally loose the ability to protect our ability to survive!  Yes, it is that serious.  We know you are up to the task.  If not, the consequences may be, quite literally, lethal.

Yours in health and freedom,
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Natural Solutions Foundation

More information: Health Freedom is Our First Freedom

Dr. Rima Recommends

Adrenal Support In Times of Stress

Stress is a Killer - Don't Let It Kill You!

Stress?  What stress? Why would I be under stress?  Because I am working on a major campaign to garner votes for Health Freedom to present to Obama on Inauguration Day?  Because I am transacting the purchase of the Valley of the Moon land in Panama, where I do not speak the language and the laws are considerably different?  Because of the more than 11,600 unopened emails in my personal email box? Because of the weight of the importance of what the Natural Solutions Foundation and the International Decade of Nutrition are doing? 

Well, you probably already knew that stress is a part of my life!  You're right.

The question is not whether stress is a part of your life since if you work for a living, have any medical problems, have kids, commute to work, have aging parents, pets with problems, drive on freeways, manage a bank account, have a mortgage, a business, a spouse or a family, stress most certainly is a part of your life.

Take a look at the number of prescriptions for medications which are caused by stress and you'll see that it is the epidemic condition of modern life.

What can chronic stress (even with a 2 week vacation before coming back to the grind thrown in now and again) do to the body?

Cause it to break down and develop just about every chronic disease know to mankind. Literally. 

Stress has been shown in the scientific literature to cause weight gain, loss of electrolytes and minerals, weaken immune system function, increase strokes, heart attacks and disease, strokes and other vascular incidents, lead to a wide variety of digestive problems including ulcerative colitis, malabsorption, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, premature aging, mental decline, loss of sexual function and desire, irritability and anger outbursts (including violent behavior), inattention, cancer, arthritic flare ups, MS symptom increase, deplete B vitamins, etc.

In other words, whatever goes wrong is made worse by stress and chronic stress can, literally kill you.  Consider, for example, that most fatal heart attacks in men occur in the first few hours of Monday morning and occur at work.

Now, what to do about it.  Well, one of the things that I do, and that I make sure that General Stubblebine does as well, is take an Adrenal Support formula religiously.  Stress does not stop just because I forget my pills so I try really hard not to forget them!

A product I like very much comes from a high quality company which does not use nutrients or other materials from GMO-sources.  Inferior supplements commonly source their nutrients from GMO-modified yeast and bacteria, plants and animals.  They also source glandular extracts and preparations from animals raised in unsanitary, disgusting and disease-producing conditions which are fed on pesticided and otherwise toxic feeds.  These same animals have been given antibiotics and other drugs which you wind up with in your supplements.

The plants that cheap supplements are made from are frequently GMO and  loaded with chemical toxins.  Do you really think a few pennies per capsule is worth taking that poison into your body?  If you think that saving money on supplements is worth it, consider the cost of a case of cancer, crippling arthritis, GI disease or ALS.

The product I take is called simply "Adrenal Support" and is made by Vital Nutrients, a company I trust.  I offer you this information to help you regulate the chronic debilitation and increased disease incidence caused by adrenal depletion, fatigue and exhaustion. 

Taken on a regular basis, this supplement may, in fact, be rejunvenative for your adrenals.  I know they have been for mine because I measure my adrenal function periodically and that is what has been happening.

A Word From Dr. Rima

Well, health freedom is just exactly where it has always been: in your hands and mine.  The "Movement" is our dynamic, forward thrust.  Yours and mine.  We ARE the netroots and we define health freedom (  So the movement is, in reality, a dance of joy and power in the face of the merchants of control and oppression. 

Your move.  Your movement!

Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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