Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Wholefood Farmacy makes eating healthy easy, convenient and affordable. We offer pure, nutrient-dense, ready-to-eat, whole food meals, snacks, soups, smoothie mixes and treats for the children. All of our foods are vegetarian, most are raw and vegan as well. We also offer many gluten-free and nut-free whole food choices for those with food sensitivities - see our FAQ section of the Whole Food Farmacy Website for more information.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

fortamet ,One of the ,most commo'n allergy, causes is hered.itary f+actor! C,heck your *family history now_! Being' overwe'ight is a risk' factor ,for heart' disease. It a_lso .tends to increase. your -cholestero.l. Not be-ing active i,s a r-isk factor ,for heart _disease. Physic-al act*ivity ca-n help lower ch+olestero-l. We don't *beli'eve in mir*acles, but we b-elieve_ in great power .of medi-cine! Check it, out now!* You should 'never ge.t ov-erexcited when *strugglin'g with y*our extra kil-os. Act reas'onably, +dude! Have yo-ur fath,er had pr+oblems wit'h poten'cy? If yes, you a're in dang+er!_ Hurry up 'to buy… Ba.cterial inf_ections are 'especially dan+g_erous when t,hey occur in chi,ld+ren. Be rea'dy to fight! I, don't need ne.ither mir_acles+, nor magic _to have great, sex at t-he +age of 55! 'All I need .is… Men with e.rectil*e dysfunction -have new ho_pe. We w,ill br.eak the dise.ase down .for you, for _sure. Peopl,e nowada+ys have .a tendency to ge+t -addicted to painki+llers _rather* than other d,eadly drug,s. I have read *about 'special tips+ that he*lp asthmatic* peop'le to solv-e their problems. with* breathing. Th+ose _who refuse medica*tio*ns despite bein*g in severe pa*i_n are putting the,mselves a+t risk. I+'m really ,afraid o,f having* an allergy. My si-s,ter has & it's awfu_l. S'o I hav_e a daily todo. list. When it .com,es to effe+ctive bac.terial infec*tions treatment 'what, you need i-s a good ant_ibioti'c. For unknown r+eas+ons, the ,incidence of as-thma i*n childre_n is steadi'ly increasing. .Take care'! I will neve*r buy ano_ther antibio*tic b'ecause th_is one has p*roved its eff_iciency-. It's t*he best! Status. as'thmaticus is' a seve+re asthma atta'ck that d_oesn't ge+t better a.s usual me,dicine is take'n. A,ntibiotics effecti-vely pre.vent any_ bacteri'al infections fro+m spr+eading over y-our organi,sm.+ Antibiotics gener_ally a_re safe, prov-ided you use' them pr.oper+ly and follo.w the inst-ructions. A,sthma is a co+nditio-n in which -airflow' of the lungs ma.y be p'artially, blocked by swe,lling. Painki.llers ca*n cause n,ause*a, apathy, vomiti*ng, and mos't s*ignificantly, r-espiratory *depression+. A new en,viron+ment may te,mporarily improv-e asthma +symptoms', but it wi'll no-t cure as+thma. Do you kn_ow the. early sig'ns of an as.thma attack? _Their .variety may reall*y surpri-se you. Not 'only a,dults're aff,ect'ed by cholestero.l. Child,ren may also ha've high+ cholestero*l leve-ls. Knowi'ng the v.arious reaso.ns that peop'le beco_me obese can help 'y*ou understand+ your strugg*le. S_tudies sugges_t that depr.ession ca'used by health, di'sorders oc*curs as often in. men as_ in women., Impote+nce medication is -50% this mo.nth! Don't m_iss th-is amazing_ opportunit,y! Heart d+isease ,is the numbe.r 1 killer of' women and me.n in t'he Uni*ted States. Did_ you kn,ow? Many' painkillers can c-ause addict+io.n, so it's impo,rtan-t to follow the in'stru+ctions caref-ully. I_t may take longer* for -men to ach*ieve erections+ & ma-y require direct_ st'imulation an-d foreplay. -Most al*lergy-provoking g-rass+es are widesp+read t'hroughout t*he worl*d. Have your dru'g on *you! Learn ho.w stress and an*xiety *may trigg,er an asthma' attack.' It may, save your life so+me day! +Common* asthma symptoms+ includ+e ch,est tightness., shortnes_s of breath and+ severe ,pain. You may+ get t-ired quic*ker than_ everybody el'se of+ the same ag*e with you if yo*u ha+ve asthma. You-r penis wil'l be *grateful to yo*u for your. care and att'ention+! Try out this_ li'ttle pill! +The most+ common indo*or/outdoor ,allergy t+riggers ar-e: tree, gras_s an,d weed polle+n & mold spo.res. Peanut .allergie*s affect 1 - +2 % of Ame,rica-ns, but cause. the most sev*ere *food allergi'c reactio*ns. It's, easy to g+et rid of ere_ctile 'dysfunction if yo-u ch_ose the ri_ght medicatio*n! Try* it out! Your pen*is deserve_s a bette-r life! +Make a great gi'f-t for it – b+uy our premium m_edicine! P.opular ch-olest+erol-lower_ing drugs calle*d st'atins may' slightly rai'se the risk' of type 2 d+iabetes I kn+ow what y-ou .need to stop _impoten,ce playing dirty tr+i_cks on your sexua'l li*fe, dude! Even if+ you h.ave severe as.thma you n-eed* to exercise reg+ularly+ in order t*o stay i+n good shape! E.ffective+ natura*l remedie-s for asthma fo_cus upon un_derstanding +ro'ot causes of t-he dise+ase. This *type of antibiot,ic natura,lly turn,ed contemp+orary pharmacy _u-pside down. Yo'u shou_ld try! Me*n can find it hard 'to t.alk abo*ut physical disc-omfort or em-otional 'distress wit.h physicia-ns. Pl.ants su-ch as poison ivy-, oa_k and sumac the mo_st common +skin allergy _triggers. Wa,tch out! A+ m-ore effective do+se or a diffe_rent dru,g can b-e used if yo-u dose is .not e-nough to stop *pain. The numb-er of +people w_ith asthma in t_he USA ,has gro_wn rapid_ly in recent years*. Wa_tch out! *When it see'ms that there is -no hope, .lo_ok around. So+meone is rea'dy to give you* a hand+! High blood -chole*sterol is one .of -the major r_isk factors for disease-. Learn more now! ,Painkill-ers -should never be sh_ared w*ith anyone e*lse. On*ly your d.octor can+ decide -if it's sa+fe. You may be* given ot'her medicines| ,such a_s antidep,ressant drugs- to take with+ your* painkillers.. Not being -act,ive is a risk fa-cto*r for heart dise*ase. ,Physical activi+ty can help l'ower cho.lesterol., When asthma +symptoms g,e-t more intense_ and/or+ additiona,l symptoms a'ppear, this_ is an attac,k. The high'er your blo-od c-holesterol level_, the great_er *your risk fo.r developing he*a,rt disease.!!! Our special *guest, Dr. *Kreuzl+ange will tell y-ou ever,ything about *impotence _in me'n! The mai,n difference _of t'his impotence trea,tm*ent is that *it really works-! See your'self! A* severe asthm-a attack c_an ,be life-thr+eatening,. Make sure you h.ave an +emergency pla+n! It's not_ onl+y your body that- s+uffers from pain b*ut your n*ervous syst*em as wel*l. Think t,wice! A, 60-year-old 'man develops' short+ness of' breath *with slight exe_rtion, thoug.h h_e never smoke,d. Test kno,w your choles,terol b*ecause lowe,ring it les+sens th_e risk for *developing hea'rt disea+se! 'Different t-ypes of b+acteria surround *us everywh+ere all th_e time. It +is+ hard to avoid inf_ectio-ns. Did you know+ that the. number of *ob'ese children has n*early dou+bled the past 20. y*ears. Ant,ibiotics have 'become part o_f our life s-ty'le, speci,fically whe,n we talk ab_out hea+lth issues. +Studies ,suggest that_ as many as 52 p-ercent ,of men m'ay have difficu.lties, with havin-g erection-. How r,isky is it f*or people with- food a*llergi+es to eat out? Thi-s ar,ticle explores th'e 'risks and ho-rrors Men are'n't likely t*o visit hea+lth p_rofessio+nals & they, may miss chance_s to impro+ve thei+r hea*lth. Men are le'ss l+ikely to vis,it health car'e provider.s & they mis's ou,t on chance*s to prevent illn-ess._ If you ha_ve asthma the sw'ollen air+way tiss.ues make a t.hick, sli'ppery substa_nce call_ed mucus.. Peop_le with asthm+a have what are' so.metimes call'ed "sensitized." air+ways. Che*ck yourse-lf now. I +don't need+ neither mira-cles, n+or magic t*o have gr+eat sex at. the age of 55! Al-l I need _is…' Cholesterol_, a chemical. compo-und produced by t+he body-, is a +combinati_on of fat .and steroid. Asthma_ is also+ co.mmonly diagnosed- after sympto'ms ar_ise during e,xerc_ise. Are yo,u okay now? *Asthma i.s one of 3 c_ommon causes o+f chronic- cough in- children. Be, care+ful with your_ kids. H+ow risk.y is it for p.eople w+ith food a.llergies to *eat out? This a-rti,cle explores the* ris.ks and horror.s A severe as_thma' attack can be lif'e-thr+eatening. ,Make sure yo_u have an e*mer+gency plan! Eve,ry on'e in five A,merican teens- has unhealt*hy cholestero-l levels,, and _risk for he_art di_sease. Painki,llers c'an cause drowsin*ess, inab*ility to con'cent,rate, flushing +of the f.ace and neck,. Boys- are twice as l.ikely to de_velop -severe ast*hma as girls, b+ut th-e exact reaso-n is_ unknown. W-hy should I worr-y a.bout extra weig+ht if I'm s'lim and be.autiful? Obe,si_ty will n-ever come? This+ month we. provide hug-e di.scounts for ou,r best +antibioti_cs so you can ,save a lot bu,ying it!, One of the mo+st co'mmon s_ide effects of* antibiotics i-s yeast o*vergrowt.h. It's da.ngerous… .Your symptoms, may ,also vary fro-m one asthma +attack t*o the next. -Be ready t.o strug+gle! If .you hav_e severe pain you *may be gi,ven a stro_ng painki'ller, such a's mo'rphine, st*raight away_. Try out *alternative m*ethods of* potency i_mprov,ement before you ,decide to *try ,surgery. Did .you know +that the* number of o_bese children h,as nearly d,oubled o'ver the pas+t 20- years. Specific _types of _pain .may respond bett+er to on,e kind o'f pain,killers than to a*nother kin,d., In fact, obesity* increases _your risk o+f develop*ing dis,eases and ev_en death. A*nd that.'s no't all. Exposure t'o cigarett.e smoke and 'othe_r pollu,tants is a str*ong indica,tor of incr-eased aller*gy risk.* I will nev'er buy a.nother anti_biotic b+ecause one has pro'ved its e+fficien*cy. It's the bes,t! Com'mon asthma symp,toms -include ches.t tightness-, short.ness of b.reath and_ severe pai*n. You ask m*e why I take t.hese pills +every n+ight? Bec.ause I know th+at my. show m.ust go on! It is* true that .consuming t*oo much a'lcohol' can affect .a man's ,ability, to get &+ maintain e_rection. Exposure' to lat_ex al*lergen alone i's responsibl-e for over -200 ca+ses of anap.hylaxis alle*rgy each y+ear. Wh.en ther,e is too much c+holes_terol in your blo,od, it bui'lds up in t*he wal'ls of your a.rter_ies. The major,ity of well-kn'own+ and popular ov-er-the-c_ounter and pr-escri_ption allergy me'dication!, Do you. know the earl-y signs .of an asth-ma attack? +Thei,r variety may _really sur-prise y*ou. Approximately, 3 milli'on chi-ldren under age _18 years 'were rep'orted -to have a f_ood allergy,. Gosh!, Inflammatio,n, or sw.elling, of the of the a.irwaysis, observed _in people who h-ave asthma. T-he ri'sk of developi'ng -certain chronic 'diseases l.ike hyper+tension is oft.en connect.ed with There're tricks th_at those ,wit+h asthma can emplo.y will hel-p their as.thma symp+toms. Th,e dose of paink.iller *you are taking sh_ould be e'no-ugh to control pai,n until _the next *dose. If it i_s you w,ho depe+nd on sea'sonal alle_rgy than it is, high for y_ou to try out o'ur new dru,g! US _boys and, girls were 1.5 ti,mes more li.kely to be' o,bese than_ boys & girls in th'e+ total populat-ion. C_holesterol do_esn't cause sy*mptom.s, people of*ten think t-heir cholest_erol is o-k when it's n.ot. Pa_inkille*r addiction *is spreading a pla,gue and ki.lling p+eople all over *the world.' Obes+ity is fa_st becoming the +develo'ped worlds b+iggest h+ealth prob_lem. Protect y+ourself, from, it! In fac+t, most of +those p'eople who die f*rom as.thma-relate*d causes are th+ose aged 65 *and ol_der. *An increased sensit-ivity t,o sun.light is co-mmon when *you take antibiot*ics. Take. go*od care! Cholester.ol *risk factor is a *condition -that 'increases, your chanc*e of getting+ a heart di,sease. Chil-dren who- receive _antibiotic -therapy w.ithin -the first tw.o years of *life a-re prone to ,allergy. Each- year, aller+gies acco,unt for more. t*han 17 mil*lion outpat-ient office visit+s, often *in spring -& fall Olde'r men ha-ve the hig+hest su+icide rate in t+he world- due to probl_ems with+ masculine ,hea'lth. Your symptom's m*ay be mild during+ one ast*hma attack- and severe+ during ano-ther *one. It's not_ clear,+ though ,possible, 'that overusing d_rugs inc+reases the ri*sk of a' fatal asthma *at-tack. Allergy 'test i*s something th'at every pers-on has *to do in o.rder to avoid, poss_ible heal,th risks. Early 'war+ning signs are cha*ng_es that happen jus.t before .the begin+ning of +an asthma a'ttack. Antibi-otics +generally ar'e safe+, provi.ded you use th_em properly a-nd follow t-he instruc_tions. ,For successfu-l and ong.oing tr.eatment, tak*e an active _role +in managing 'your chr_onic There ar*e several 'factors ,that contribute ,to high ch*ol-esterol -- only som'e are cont.r+ollable. I p+romise y_ou that the me,dicati+on I'm talking .about will+ improve +your sexual l-ife 5 time*s! Over*weight ,and obesity_ are the nightmar_es that fr_i.ghten half' the people_ all over the .world, friend.+ Wh+en given an+tibiotics, take' them ex.actly as pre'scr-ibed. Not more, bu+t not les's a's well! If both pa*rents h.ave a*llergies, it is m-uch mo-re likely. (7 in 10) .that their +children w-ill have a+llergies. S'ometimes, ant*ibiotics* destroy the, good b'acteria that+ you need t_o aid in' digest-ion. Watch out!, Media i*mages le_ad us to ,believe that _men are alw*ays ready+ fo,r sex physic-ally and psychol+ogica'lly. High cho.lesterol can *increas'e you-r chance of having, he,art disease.. Think what yo,u ea_t, man! Many ti+mes, sinu_sitis trigger_s asth_ma, such' as coughi,ng, snee+zing and wheezing._ Chang,ing the diet m_ay help a- lot, b.ut some peop*le still _need dru'gs to reduc_e thei.r cholestero_l. Since th.e time when impo+tence 'knocke-d at my door I ,have t,ried dozens of *usel.ess drugs! Have* you. heard that choco,lat.e can help s_top severe asthma+ attack'? I witn_essed it wo+rking!!! Le+t's orga*nize a sexu_al re.volution in y+our bedroom! *You are to .lead +our army +to orgasm! Suc,h serious 'diseases l'ike bronchit'is and asthm.a ofte'n start fr-om simple alle.rgies. Wa*tch -out! Proteins f*rom the .skin and saliv+a of cats_ and do+gs cau'se allergic _reaction+s in some 'people. Try a m_ore effe,ctive .medication be.fore a noct+urnal asthma* attac.k takes your life' away. ,If the's h+ealth is norma,l, ere*ctions sho,uld be automatic, -my ex-wife 'used to- tell me. *Rubbish! The- less'er known effe*cts o,f obesity may* also inc_lude infer_tility, type 2' diabetes an,d ca-ncer. No on_e knows _how and why_ such horrib_le di_seases like ast*hma choose th_eir poor v-ictims. _Antibioti+cs will no*t cure vir+al illnesses+, such as: s_or-e throats *not caused b_y strep, r+unny noses. Whe.n you are t-aking +painkille'rs be sure to- take the-m regularly, as, prescribed by _your 'doctor. Yo_ur daily calorie 'intake c+an be the- key po'int in your st,ruggle with _severe obesi*ty.- Try it out no'w! Wom'en are more l.ikely ,to get extr'a weight an+d get o_bese than +men! Make sure you *eat fo,od! Painki,ller addiction. is g+radually becom-ing one of the_ m+ost common forms. of drug addi+ction. S,eriously ba*d foo-d allergies, are fairly, uncommon '-- less t-han 4 'percent of adult's have the.m. There ar,e about 1 mi.llion *Canadians and, 1+5 million A*mericans w.ho suffer fr_om asthma. 'Men are le_ss likely- to see a doctor, and th-eir chanced, to catch up- a _serious disease -and s'uffer. Pai,n relief medic'ations as a_ny o_ther drug are+ aimed a,t improving y-our life an,d con,dition. Ever*y man wants to -hav_e ultimate se.xual po*wer as lon,g as possible. +But 'life is tricky! On.ce y_ou start to_ delve into a _few, obesity f*acts, you m'ay be surprise+d to learn +the *whole truth. When _it come-s to ef-fective bacteria+l i,nfections treatme*nt wh*at you need ,is a good' antibioti*c. Men make up. 96 % of t*he+ world pris-on popul_ation. It is *often caused by ,potency .problems. Prote,ktor Spr*ay — Pe.ts, Fleas, Tick*s Clari_na Cream —' Skin Health, Acn'e, Comedon'es, ,Ayurveda St+op Smoking fl'omaxtra Er_ythromycin. — Antibioti_c, Bac.terial Infect*ions zyrzin*e Acai- Natur'al Energy Boost ,[acaienergyb'oost] (a'cai) zylop.rim- wymesone Antabu_se — ,Alcoholism, Depe_ndence, Dr,inking, _Cocaine D+ependence+, Addiction+ Neggram — B+acterial I_nfections,. Antibiot_ic con,gestion t.ofranil ceclor Con-fido mel_oxicalm_ Toprol XL — ,Angina-, High Bloo.d Pressure, Hyp.ert+ension, Hear-t Pain, Heart Fa,ilure, +Tachycar_dia Loe+ffler's Syn+drome Ir+idocyclitis+ Savella [savella]' (Milnaci'pr*an) Sporanox (Itra.conazole, .Se.mpera, Orungal, I'tra,con, Isox, Can'ditral, Candi,stat)+ Mobic (Meloxi'calm, -Movalis, Me*lox, Recoxa, *Moxen, Mobec,' Mobico+x, Te_naron, Melocam,* pain_) Zofran (on+dansetron) . Accutane* [accutan-e] (Isotreti*noin, Amnest_eem, C+laravis,, I*sotane, Sotret., Oratane_, Roaccutane', Izotek,, acut_ane, acne) antabu'se merope'nem Anti+ Flu Face Mask- b_etaloc Flovent — A'sthma,' Inhaler *copd Combive-nt —+ Chronic Obstru-ctive Pu'lmonary D-isease, COPD,, Bronchospasm, Singula-ir — Asthma,- Bron*chospasm-, Allergy Imit+rex Nasa*l Spray (simatri*pt+an) Muscle Pain- Empy'ema gastrosi.l Comedones Tren+tal — P*eriphera+l Vascular Di,sease, +Intermitte-nt Claud.ication, Chronic +Occ'lusive A*rterial Dise*ase Triglyce+rides betnovate. Blac,kheads_ 13 Tramado*l (Adolan, Anad*ol, Contr,amal, Dolo.l, Dolzam, D,romadol,. tramad,al, Ixpri*m, Ralivia_, Tramadex,, Tramal, Tridu,ral, Utram,, Ultra_m ER, Zamado_l, Zy*dol, Zytrim, pain, +ultr*acet) 1.51% _ sore. throat Zelnor*m — Irrita-ble Bowel Syndr*om_e, IBS, Con'stipatio+n blastomycosis- fungus H.imcolin Arjuna. [arjuna,] Flo-nase [flon_ase] (Fluticason'e propionate,, Fli_xonase+, Nasofan, flomist)+ ath,lete's foot circ_onyl Vir,ility Pi*lls — E-rectile D'ysfunction, M+ale Enha'ncement, 'Erection, Impoten,ce hangov,er pills ipravent. vibrox Galanta-mine (Niva_lin, Ra'zadyne, R+azadyne, Reminy.l) gl'ibenclamide ma+legra fxt (si*ldena+fil + fluoxeti,ne+) diclozip glade,m Chyav*anaprasha+ [chyavanaprash,a] gad o,cd hyperc'alcemia roxin s.eropram r*iomet Va_gina,l Trichomonia.sis Lotris+one — Fu-ngal Infect'ions, Jock Itc-h, At.hlete's Foot, Ring-worm Vita-min- B Complex (thiam.ine, pyrido-xine,' cobala*min) Zadit,or [zaditor+] (ketotifen fum-arate) d'uodenal ul-cers +duloxetine Emla (L*idocaine+, priloca-ine, Alle+rgic Conjuncti-vitis Bipol-ar Disorder+ laro-xyl viagra p'rofess_ional Stroke RockI't247 [r-ockit247] Ga,stric Re-flux +Isosorbide Mono_nitrate *( Imdur, Is*mo, Mo_noket) Throat In*fection,s Sterapred (O,mnipred, _Predn,isone, Deltasone', Liqui.d Pred, Metic*orten,* Orasone, P+rednicen*-M, Sterapred_, Sterapred ,DS,, predisone) G-eneral Heal,th Lumigan +[lumigan] (B'imatop'rost) -Cialis Super Ac*tive+ [cialis.superactiv*e] (Tada-lafil-) Gas Co,umadin Yeast Infect-ion.s reosto Endoc.arditis Viagr+a Soft T-abs — 'Erectil'e Dysfunctio_n, Male Enhan,cement, Ere*ctio-n, Impotence_ Triamcino-lone Ora'l Paste (Ar_istocort, ,Kenalog, Triderm, -t+riaderm) Nimoto_p (Nimodipin*e) ni.valin Karela -Aggr,enox [aggrenox] .(As_pirin/Dipyridamole,, Re-tard) Breast E_nhancer ,Clofazimine, [clofazimin+e] (l-amprene) att+entin F.amilial Adeno*matous Poly*posis Low -Libido Azathi.oprine — Rh,eumatoid- Arthrit,is, Pain, -Kidney -Transplant, T*ransplanta-tion, ,Glomeruloneph+ritis, Hepati*tis, Lu.pus, Myastheni+a Gravi*s, My*opathy, Pemph.igoid, Pemp.higus, ,Nephrotic Syn+drome, Inflam.matory B,owel Di_sease, Multiple., A+topic Dermatit-is, Restrict_ive Lung Dise'ase optim.ycin avand*am'et pharaxis .m Lactation. Paracoccidi-oidomyco+sis Blackhea_ds Zyr*tec (Cetirizin-e, Reactin'e, Alercet+, Alergex, A-ler,id, Certex-24, C'etrine, Cet.zine, Cezin,+ Histazine., Riztec, ,Ryzen,' Triz, Vi'rlix, Xe-ro-sed, Zirtin, 'Zy.rzine) tre*ntal Kamagra- Effervescen-t — Erec'tile Dysfunct,ion, Ma'le Enhan,cement, Erect'ion, ED, Impo.tence H,eartworms 'anadin ibupr-ofen bone prot-ection Pro*scar [pro+scar.] (Finasteride, P-ropecia)_ I Imit-rex — M.igraine, Pai,n, Head-ache herpe,x Cephalexin [ce'phalexin] (Ke_flex, Spo,ridex, ,keftab,) atripla Diclofe'nac To*pical Gel — Joi_nt Pain, +Arthrit_is, Oste+oarthritis +malegra dxt_ (sildenafil +. dulo'xetine) Bacter,ial Vagino-sis Worm's Onc-hocercias+is Female RX P,lus Liquid C,andiduri'a Ama-laki — Ant,ioxidant, Cough,+ Cold, Sor*e Throat, A.ging, *Respiratory In,fect-ions, Imm*unomodulat*or, Dyspeps-ia, Hyperacidi*ty, Skin,+ Ayurveda acarb+o-se Suregasm+ shuddha guggu,lu Levi_tra [levitra+jelly] (v,ardenafil) celec,oxib. Urispas (F+lavoxate, musc+le relaxer, m+u.scle relaxant) dro,ntal allwo*rmer for c-ats at,hlete's. foot Periac-tin [per.iactin] (Cypro'heptadine, C'ipl,actin, Periactin+e, Ciproral.) opticare o.i,ntment Nasonex *(Mometasone fu.roa_te, Mometasone*) Elimite .— Scabies C-ard,ura (Doxazo*sin,, Cascor, ,Doxadu*ra) cefudura- cascor lotens'in +Spiriva (Tiotr.opium) Lasu,na Nizor'al — Fungal Inf.ecti_ons, Athlete's+ Foot, _Oral Thru-sh, Coccidio.ides, Can_diduria, ,Candidias-is, Blasto-mycosis, Histopla'smosis, .Chrom_omycosis, 'Paracocci,dioidomycosis Heart_worms


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