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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Some Good, Some More Good and, Finally, The Ugly Part II


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October 4, 2007



The Good,
Some More Good,
Yet More Good and Then,
As Promised,
The Ugly

I promised that today's Health Freedom Alert would give you the ugly and so it will. But there is good news, too, and I can't keep from sharing it!

Can You Handle Some Really Good News?

You Earned Us a Victory!

A little background: Remember back last May 9 when S. 1082, The FDA Revitalization Bill (Kennedy/Enzio), was passed by the Senate with just one dissenting vote (Senator Bernie Sanders, I-VT) and then its sister legislation, HR 2900, was passed by the House this past July with essentially no time for discussion and no amendments allowed? And remember how hard we, the Health Freedom community, fought to make sure that a "hold harmless provision" was included to protect products covered by DSHEA (e.g., dietary supplements, herbs and other food products)? Senators Hatch and Harkin introduced a provision in an amendment to an amendment (!) by Senator Durbin in the Senate version of the bill to protect supplements and it passed.

There was no such amendment protecting our supplements in the House version of the bill. So our next task was to make sure that the bill emerged from the Compromise Committee (resolving any differences between the Senate and the House versions of the bill) with the protective amendment in tact. Well, the bill emerged from Committee, was approved and signed into law WITH OUR AMENDMENT INTACT! We have a hold-harmless clause in what is otherwise a very bad bill, indeed, which specifically states that this bill does not apply in any way to products covered by DSHEA. D our collective power! You know that the folks behind these bills and related regulations want to kill natural health and, to do that, they would need to take away our natural health products and services. And they do keep coming back and back and back. But we have beaten them back time after time and, in fact, each time, we emerge stronger and better organized, clearer and more experienced in how to win!

You can be sure that we will have to go through this process again, and again and again. That's the price of liberty: eternal vigilance. Health freedom is really no different. We have to keep at it and get our

  • Friends
  • Patients
  • Colleagues
  • Relatives
  • Customers
  • Parents
  • Children
  • Shop keepers
  • Naturopaths
  • Nutritionists
  • Hairdressers
  • Acupuncturists

Everyone involved. So congratulations! You and I beat the Illness-Care Industry back one more time!

Oh, by the way, as of this writing more than 51,700 Health Freedom Scorecards ( have been sent to the Presidential Hopefuls asking the tough health freedom questions. If you haven't sent yours to the Presidential Candidates, now would be the right time. Just click here ( to ask the people who want your support - and your campaign donations - for their Presidential bid 19 tough Health Freedom Questions. Right now only one candidate has bothered to construct a Health Freedom position. It is as if the questions that can mean life or death to you and your loved ones (like "Do you believe in forced drugging by the State"? And "Should the FDA be allowed to violate US law to bring about 'HARMonization' with the Codex standards and guidelines it forces through that body for the benefit of multinational corporations"?

If the candidates failed to notice that these questions will define their presidencies, to say nothing of your freedom, it's time to remind them that they owe us their answers NOW! They are looking for your support. Let them know that they have to earn it by declaring their positions on Health Freedom issues. Fax the Candidates the Health Freedom Scorecard ( now to force this issue into the mainstream.

Please make a generous tax deductible donation ( to cover the expenses associated with having to use faxes to communicate instead of emails (most of the candidates do not make their candidate emails public so we are forced to communicate by fax if the Natural Solutions Foundation wants to talk with them.) That costs a good deal of money. Please help to defray the cost of maintaining our Health Freedom!

Another Piece of Good News!

Patient privacy is a huge Health Freedom issue. Right now, according to the report of the General Accounting Office, you have no privacy rights where your health records are concerned - none - because, among other reasons, the Department of Health and Human Services has built NO privacy systems into electronic medical record systems. None. To make matters worse, the Department of Homeland Security can access your medical records at any time WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE and if your doctor's staff lets you know that your records are being accessed, your doctor can actually go to jail! Of course, if your doctor is not a part of a HIPPA compliant practice and does not use any electronic means to transmit patient records, then your records are safe, sort of.

The Natural Solutions Foundation believes this is absolutely wrong and is, in fact, more medical fascism, e.g., the State owns your body and can compel you to be drugged against your will and it owns your medical records so it can invade them at will without your knowledge or permission.

Microsoft agrees with us. They think it's wrong, too. And they have decided to do something about it. This morning they launched "Health Vault", a patient-controlled, patient driven medical record system which allows patients, and patients ONLY, to control who gets to look at their records and who does not. Click here ( to learn more about this innovation which takes us right back to a time when your secrets were safe with your doctor -as they must be in a safe and sane society!

One More Thing Before We Get to the Ugly

The Natural Solutions Foundation is making a full length documentary DVD whose working title is "Murder by the Numbers: the Codex Agenda". Initially, Cori Brackett agreed to make the film but found it too much for her right now. We look forward to working with Cori on another project, but this one turned out to be overwhelming for her right now.

As fate would have it, within 24 hours, we were in a meeting with the documentary film makers of the Ecological Options Network who videotaped "Nutricide: the DVD" (, the updated version of which is now available.

"Murder" is a project which is right up their alley and, as it happened, they were able to take this project on. We are thrilled. And, in fact, they will be joining us in Panama and Washington DC to shoot footage to tell the story clearly in the coming DVD.

You asked us to set up a separate place to donate funds to make this project a reality and now we have one. Go to the donation page ( of the Natural Solutions Foundation site and scroll down. Under "Option 1" you will find the second paragraph where you can donate ( to support "Murder by the Numbers". All donations are tax deductible, of course. Don't forget, of course, that we still need your ongoing support for the Foundation, too.

We need the equivalent of 1500 people donating $100 each to fully fund this film. Of course, 150 donating $1000 does the job, too, just as 15 giving $10,000 would work, too. I suspect that the funding will come from people giving varied amounts of money. So far, 57 people have stepped forward to help fund the film. We would really appreciate it if you would join them!

OK. Now For the Ugly


The 2004 "New Freedoms Initiative" (which was passed into law in 2004) says that all children from 0 to 18 must be screened for "Mental Illness".


Children found to have "Mental Illness" are to be drugged with strong, dangerous and largely untested (at least for long term use in children) psychoactive medications - whether their parents want them to be or not.


Parents who do not want their children to be drugged run the very serious risk of loosing them to State custody.


Children in State custody may be used as experimental subjects in the absence of informed consent, just as prisoners may be.


When the State has taken custody of children because their parents did not want them drugged and allows them to be used as experimental subjects, it is paid by the drug company conducting the experiment(s) for the right to experiment on these children.


Newborns and young infants are "screened" for "Mental Illness by having their mothers (or expectant mothers) screened.


Pregnant women given psychoactive drugs after the 20th week of pregnancy are 6 times as likely to give birth to a baby with a life threatening birth defect, pulmonary hypertension. Click here to read more (


Compulsory drugging of pregnant mothers has horrifying and potentially lethal consequences for the mother AND the baby.


The police power of the State can be used to compel pregnant mothers to take psychoactive drugs to protect the "Mental Health" of her baby.


Mainstream commentary about Orwellian "New Freedoms Initiative" (passed and signed without an audible murmur) and the loss of Constitutional rights it institutionalizes has been nil. Ron Paul's corrective bill, HR 2387, The Parental Consent Act of 2007, would make it illegal to use Federal Funds for such screening and to give Federal education funds to any entity which uses parental refusal of such screening as the cause for charges of child abuse, medical neglect or similar charges.

Click here ( to read the startling Findings enumerated at the beginning of this bill. It's a real eye opener.

Health Freedom Is Not Just An Abstract Concept

Think about it for a moment: The largest and most profitable industry in the world, the illness-care business, which includes Big Pharma, is making decisions to increase corporate profit and to control by undermining your health and your freedom to decide how to take care of your health, but there's not a peep in the mainstream. Could it be because they own the mainstream media? Hmmmmn

It's one of the best kept secrets in the world, a kind of 'anti-health Manhattan Project' impacting everyone in the world but hidden in plane sight

(For those of you who are too young to remember, during the Second World War, the Manhattan Project, America's highly secret crash development of the atomic bomb, important parts of which were carried out beneath the bleachers of the University of Chicago's Stagg Field !)

Health Fascism, Hand in Hand with

Food-Borne Killers

This hidden threat means that America, a country that, despite the irrefutable evidence, still irrationally prides itself on having the best food supply in the word AND the best health care system, is dying from an epidemic of food born disease! Not E. coli, Salmonella, not Shigella, but corporate-friendly, rather than health-friendly regulation, political corruption and scientific deception, with a heaping dollop of media control, have allowed our health and health freedoms to be so degraded that the major killers in the US, aside, of course, from properly used drugs (and the rest of the "developed" world) are the diseases of under nutrition: cancers, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity.

These 5 food -borne killers "just happen" to be the major profit centers of Big Pharma and the rest of the illness care industry.

When candidates start talking about Health Freedom, it has no option but to go main stream. Wait until the American public hears from their candidates what the real cause of their needless suffering and preventable death is. What happens when they really understand that "the Alternative Medicine" is bankrupting society, killing them and killing their kids. What happens when they realize that "Alternative Medicine" doesn't mean is not herbs and supplements but but the poor alternative to good care misnamed "conventional" medicine. It is more appropriately called "familiar" medicine.

Familiar Medicine is the Poor Alternative to Health and

Health Freedom Compared to Natural Medicine

It's an alternative people chose when they look for health in:

  • The prescriptions their so called "conventional" or allopathic doctor gives them for just about everything, including the damage done by the last prescription,
  • The drug store's over-the-counter drug section
  • The toxic "food" in their supermarkets permitted by corrupted government regulatory agencies

What Will They Do?

When they understood that conventional medicine's dangerous drugs and procedures have broken the bank and are bankrupting the country without producing any real benefits and that people have, within their grasp safe, inexpensive and effective alternatives to the poor alternative provided by conventional/allopathic medicine, what will the American people do?

When they understand that the bought and paid for politicians, corrupt regulators, the illness care industry (including Big Pharma) and the corporations that pollute and degrade our food and environment have knowingly, over decades, suppressed the knowledge that could have kept their loved ones alive and well in favor of vast corporate profits, what will the American people do?

Until the public debate on these issues goes mainstream, the quite campaign to kill natural medicine and take over your health choices leaving nothing but illness-care ones in favor of degraded food (Codex) and the triumph of allopathic (drug) medicine will march forward.

We Are Not About to Let That Happen!

The Health Freedom Scoreboard campaign ( is the first step in making Health Freedom into a public, mainstream discussion. When the Candidates declare their Health Freedom positions, we've got main stream. If they don't, we've got a huge issue to publicize.

By the way, as you read this email, you will note that the link to the Health Freedom Scorecard ( appears many time. Since the link was corrupted in previous emails, I am repeating it often. That way if one link does not work, you can use another. That's how important this effort is!

Is It Really That Important?

If we fail to exert our collective impact to bring our issue, Health Freedom, into the mainstream, the continuing assault on our health and our freedom to make our own health choices will go on and on and on until we have no natural choices left, our food is totally contaminated by irradiation, genetic modification, biologically intolerable pesticide and veterinary drug residues including dangerous synthetic hormones and our supplements, herbs, homeopathic and other natural treatments have been taken away from us on one pretext or another.

While that is underway, the people who know how to treat us naturally will have been terrorized and criminalized and telling us what the health benefits of foods (including supplements and herbs) will have been criminalized as well. Just consider what is happening to good doctors like Bill Rea as the State of Texas tries to shut him down because of complaints not from happy patients, but from insurance companies who are share corporate beds with Big Pharma. Remember to click on the Action Step link to support him and doctors like him.

If you think that is too extreme, think again and look at Europe where supplements are being pulled from the market if their dose is high enough to do a body good (Thanks to the Codex-HARMonzied European Food Supplements Directive, European Medicinal Plants Directive, European Sports Drink Directive, etc.) And then look at the US where the Michigan Cherry Growers Association was ordered to remove six scientific articles showing that cherry juice is good for arthritis under threat that, if they did not, the FDA would ban the sale of cherries in the US as an untested drug! The FDA was definitely not 'funning around', either. They are not 'funning around' when they invade doctors' offices and manufacturer's facilities with dogs and guns and axes and clubs. Or when they burn books (even today!) or demand that research results be destroyed!

Don't you want to know where the people who want your money for their campaigns to become your next President stand on these issues? I sure do!

First Responders

The initial wave of "First Responders" have sent 59,696 faxes to the candidate's campaign headquarters. We need every person on this list which is bumping a quarter of a million people, and all of your friends, to do the same in order to get what we want: to take the conversation mainstream.

You see, the reason that this issue has never been a mainstream one is precisely the same as the reason that the FDA prevents the labeling of genetically modified foods. A conscious willingness to hide inconvenient information, even if it means you get sick and die.

You remember that Dr. Barbara Schneeman, Director of the FDA's Office of Dietary Supplements, serving as the US Delegate at the meeting (with a representative of Monsanto and the Biotech industry on the delegation, too) told a Codex Working Group on the Labeling of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods (Oslo, 2007) the following:

  • The FDA knows people would reject GM foods if they knew that they were, in fact, GM.
  • To prevent consumers from making the "mistake" by rejecting GM food, the FDA believes that it has a responsibility to withhold the truth from consumers.
  • Giving consumers accurate information about the food they were eating would be "false and misleading!

Exactly the same reasoning by Big Pharma and the rest of the illness-care industry keeps the health freedom issues well hidden: Looking up from the corporate bottom line, giving the people real information about how to get well and stay that way must seem "false and misleading" since if they knew that there were better, safer ways to get and stay well, they would use them. If they knew that the food they thought they could trust was deeply tainted, they might not buy it. Telling them would allow them to make the same error that consumers would make if they knew that 80% of their food is already admixed with GM foods.

Solution: Buy Congress and the media to supress anything that might be "false and misleading' if you want to sell drugs and contaminated food. Oh, yes, make sure that the public does not have the debate it wants and needs about these strategies to enhance illness, profits and, we suspect, death. (That's the genocidal part of the Codex Agenda: see the Codex lecture, "Nutricide" at for more information on that issue).

The illness care industry stands to loose everything if people really understand where illness comes from and how to prevent and cure it naturally. The insurance companies stand to loose everything if people understand that they can prevent and cure most illnesses - and all of the degenerative killers - naturally.

Big Pharma buys Congress and the mainstream media for a reason: they want laws and communications that favor them and only them. They want the police power of the State (that means forced screening, forced drugging, taking kids away from parents who don't want them drugged, forced vaccination, etc.) used to assure their profits, nothing more, nothing less.

That is not what we want.

They want the competition (natural treatments) ruthlessly eliminated.

That is not what we want.

And they want all of this done in total media silence.

That is not what we want.

If the candidates want the support of our hundreds of thousands of active voices (and votes), then we need to know where they come down on the tough questions like:

  • Should the government be able to take kids away from parents who do not want them medicated with dangerous drugs? Should it be able to compel screening and drug use in either adults or children?
  • Should the FDA be allowed to "HARMonzing" with international standards like Codex Alimentarius (which was never authorized by Congress) even when it violates US law?
  • Should the FDA be allowed to regulate and eliminate natural health strategies ("CAM", which they define as "Complementary and Alternative Medicine", rather than "Modalities") as untested (and therefore illegal) 'medial devices' and 'drugs'?
  • Should the US be part of the North American Union, the World Trade Organization or the UN since all of these bodies are being used to destroy our health freedoms and US sovereignty?

The Health Freedom Scorecard ( asks 19 tough questions and we want them all answered before we give a penny of support or cast a single vote.

Up until now, only one candidate has said a word about Health Freedom. While we thank and appreciate the strong support that Dr. Paul (R-TX) gives Health Freedom one voice among 16 is just not acceptable. We want Health Freedom to be a central issue in the national debate leading up to the next election. And it's up to us to get it into the mainstream.


Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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