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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Next Big Threat - EPA to declare Nano Silver a Pesticide!

Health Freedom Alert

News, Alerts and Other information related to your health freedom.
~ Actions You Can Take Now  ~ Products That Support Your Health and Your Freedom

January 9, 2009

In this Issue:

Mobilization Alert: Defending Nano Silver
General's Communiqué: Update
Dr. Rima's Recommendation: Silver for Health


Mobilization Alert

"Final Attack Has Started.
If it Succeeds, the Pandemic Will Follow"

Action Item


"Those 'internationalists' who want to see humanity culled by the 'inevitable' pandemic about which we at Natural Solutions Foundation have raised the alarm these past months cannot succeed so long as a general immune system support nutrient exists around which dangerous pathogens cannot mutate. So long as we have a nutritional defense to the pandemic UN and other authorities tell us will happen 'soon', we now doubt it will actually take place as quickly as forecast.

That protective nutrient is nano silver, in the presence of which none of the naturally deadly or even weaponized pathogens can survive. So it was to be expected that major attacks on silver would predate the actual start of the pandemic. Years ago the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, forbade any health claims about silver (through our Health Freedom Action eAlerts we have, however, made millions of people aware of the protective benefits of silver). And now the Environmental "Protection" Agency, the EPA, weighs in with potentially devastating regulations of topical uses (see docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650).

Yes, that 'final' attack has started and if successful - if nutrient and topical silver are removed from the market - you can be sure the pandemic will soon follow."

Click here( to learn more.

Click here( to take action.

Now tell your entire circle of influence about this, email them this Health Freedom Action eAlert with a line or two of your own at the top asking them to take action and then forward it to their circle of influence to do the same, and so on.  Time is short. The issue is enormous and the outcome of this campaign might mean the difference between life and death - a whole lot of death.

Sadly, when the Natural Solutions Foundation's Ralph Fucetola alerted a group of silver manufacturers, health freedom activists and silver advocates to this danger, of which they were previously unaware, they responded that there was no problem since only TOPICAL Nano Silver was under attack!  We presume that they have never heard the homily of the camel's nose under the nomad's tent. We regard their comfort level as ill-advised, naive and, in fact, down right foolish.

We are taking on this Defense of Nano Silver Action and we know that you will want to help keep Nano Silver on the market both because of your right to have what every health products and strategies available to you that you choose (Freedom) and for the very pragmatic reason that Nano Silver could, literally, save your life (Health). 

Nano Silver recently saved the lives of two Panamanian friends whose conventional medical care was not touching the serious infections from which they were so desperately ill.

We need to respond vigorously to this threat to our freedom and our lives.  Taking this tool away from us makes us easier to control - or kill - with manufactured and natural dangers like drugs or the weaponized Avian Flu strain and Avian Flu vaccines, for example. To send your comments to the EPA, click here:

Click here ( to lay in a good supply of the Nano Silver we reccomend and use.  ( -> "Products" tab -> Scroll down to "Silver Solution" on left hand side of page, then click).

Are we strong enough to stop Big Pharma on this one?  I believe so: we  must mobilize your community of influence to do so, and mobilize it quickly!


Maj. Gen. A. N. (Bert) Stubblebine III (USA, Ret.)
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (USA, Ret)
President, Natural Solutions Foundation

The General's Communiqué

Two Minutes to Shine the Spot Light
on Health Freedom

Have you voted yet at  If not, please do so right now.  Two minutes is all it takes and it could be the most important two minutes you have spent on health freedom so far.

If you tried and have had trouble voting (and the site can be difficult, click here ( for step by step instructions.

If you have, and you have also asked your entire circle of influence to do the same, thanks.  If not, let me share something with you.

We are asking people to take this step not becasue we believe it will, in itself, cancel out the obscene and deadly influence of the Bigs, Big Pharma, Big Chema, Big Biotech, Big Agribiz and Big Medica.  Not at all.  But if we can bring this idea to prominence by having it presented to the new President on Inauguration Day, it will thrust this idea into high focus in the US and abroad.  Then you can be sure we can take that ball and run with it fast and far. 

It is rumored that Tom Daschel, the new Secretary of Health and Human Services favors natural medicine and has written about his support for the mis-named "Alternative Medicine". (It is not alternative at all: it is good medicine.  Allopathic medicine is, for almost every chronic or degenerative condition, the poor alternative).

Having a huge number of votes will asssist us in creating a huge power move toward getting what we want: the right to control our bodies and decide what happens to them (and our children's bodies, too, of course).  This is a basic, essential freedom.

It does not take a very hard look at what is happening with Nano Silver to see the intersection between freedom and health, in fact, perhaps that intersection is between freedom and survival.

The stakes are high.  They will get higher.  The actions are clear and the players are you and me. 

Oh, by the way, given the sorry state of the "Health Freedom Movement", we fully anticipate being attacked, once again, for taking the leadership position on this issue, as we have on so many.  Ralph Fucetola's clients and friends are being approached with solicitations to fire him because of his position as Trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation!  Today his website was partially blocked by apparent tampering with his IP address, which could not have happened on its own, according to his ISP company; they had to correct an "unusual" DSL "glitch" to reserve the block.

We are accused of this, that and the other absurd thing for the purpose of deflecting and weakening us.  We ignore it and have learned to count our successes by the severity of the attacks.  One of the advanced healthcare teachers who supports us received an email from a poor, troubled soul who claims to be a "Health Freedom Movement Leader" who wanted to "see us stone cold dead." Not yet. Not by a long shot.

Thanks for giving health AND freedom the strength to push back the dark plans laid for us.  Thanks for giving us the strength of heart to persevere. Thanks for being the action army that you and we have become.

Yours in health and freedom,

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)


Natural Solutions Foundation

Special Voting Information
Lets Us Bring Health Freedom Into the Lime Light

Voting Ends January 15, 2009

Where We Are Right Now:

As I write this, "Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom" is in 8th place with 5368 votes. "Legalize Medicinal and Recreational Use of Marijuana" has 8738 votes.  That's a gap of 3370 votes.  There are many times that number of people reading this email right now.  If we let ourselves fall behind, we may not have another opportunity like this one again.

The site may be confusing. Click here ( for step by step instructions.  For an instructional video click here (

The system is set up to allow you to vote for 10 ideas.  We recommend that you vote for only 1 idea to help Health Freedom move up in the ratings.

Note: Some folks are calling us naive because we are asking you to bring this victory home on Inauguration Day.  The Natural Solutions Foundation understands very well the nature of the political theater in the US and globally.  We have no illusions about the way the system works.

But the opportunity that has given us is not really about Obama or the White House.  It is about the opportunity to make Health Freedom and Natural Medicine. GMO-Free, Codex and all of our other concerns household words in the political and economic debate for the coming 4 years.  Help us help ourselves by going to and making sure that we are in first place.


Wake Up to Health Freedom

While You Support Your Right to

GMO Free Foods and Natural Health

Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee

We recently got an email chiding us for advertisements in our Health Freedom Action eAlert and asking us to drop all advertisements.  I responded that since our donations are not sufficient to cover our costs (even though all three Trustees work more than full time for zero personal compensation, as do our wonderful volunteers), there was no way, absent a major supporter or several (if that's you, contact us!), to cover our expenses.

But why coffee?  Because The International Decade of Nutrition has a project in Panama (as well as 2 in Africa) and we realized when we got to Panama that the fungus that decimates the coffee crop is the reason that horrific fungicides are being used.  Herbicides can be replaced with natural techniques, so can pesticides. But the coffee farmers, small-holders all, have no effective means to control this crop threat except wildly toxic chemical fungicides.

That's where we, and Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee ( come in.  I know how to cure fungus with pro-biotics and nutrients.  I do it all the time in my practice.  So we applied the same technique to coffee plants and, voila!  We cured the devastating plant disease and created an abundance and health that is breathtaking to behold.  And the spectacular coffee that we are offering to you and your friends is the first fruit.  The next fruit (and it is a very sweet one!) is that we are now gearing up to teach all the coffee farmers in this part of the world to do the same!

This is what the Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project ( does: finds natural solutions to serious problems and helps farmers and consumers reclaim the production of food.  If you want to learn more, or visit Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project, or participate in a variety of ways (including offshore participation for your IRA or living in the temperate, lush, bountiful and beautiful Highlands of Panama, be sure to visit our dedicated site,, and contact us.  We'd love to talk to you!)

Coffee Drinkers can rejoice!  While you enjoy morning your GMO-Free, Pesticide-Free, Herbicide-Free cuppa you can also enjoy knowing that you are supporting the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time. For each $25 donation, we'll send you 1/2 pound of Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee - the only coffee that helps protect the environment, the workers, your health and health freedom, all at the same time. Click here ( to get yours now.  And thanks!

Time to Reorder!

If you've already started to drink our superb coffee (or use it for other health purposes), you'll want to make sure you don't run out.  Click here ( to reorder so you can you wake up to Health Freedom(TM) every morning! 

Not a coffee drinker? 

Please click here ( to make your tax deductible recurring donation to keep health freedom free.  It's up to you and the Natural Solutions Foundation to do that and you know that health freedom isn't free.  Nobody here but us Non GMO chickens, as the old saying [almost] goes!  Recurring donations of as little as $5 per month do make a difference.

Dr. Rima Recommends

Nano Silver for Immune System Support

A Silver Lining in all the Clouds.... a Gift of Silver for your Loved Ones... Click on bottle -> "Products" tab -> "Silver Solution" on left side of page.

We know that a pandemic is on the way. The World Health Organization, US government through the CDC, FDA and the UN are drumming into our heads that SOMETHING is going to try to kill us (although they never say it might be those very agencies' activities that allow the doing of the deed!). Vaccines for each disaster are being touted as answers although vaccines are, in my opinion, highly dangerous, ineffective (except as drug company profit centers) and should be avoided at all costs. What works? What is lethal to all pathogens against which it has been tested (including HIV, H5N1 Avian Flu, MSRA and more),, but safe and effective for you, regardless of your health condition or medications, supplements or age? What has a long shelf life, is affordable and should be in your medicine chest and travel kits at all times?

Nano Silver. Taken by mouth or sub lingually (and then swallowed), it is the perfect gift for people you want to see survive and thrive through whatever the Powers that Be are going to throw at us. Get the Nano Silver I have chosen for myself and that recommend by visiting  When you get there, click on the Products tab, then scroll down the left hand side until you get "Silver Solutions": Click on that link and you are on your way to protection in a bottle.

We do not recommend silver as a "treatment of disease" but rather as a nutritional supplement for its ability to support normal structure and function. Please give yourself and those you care about the gift of nutritional prevention by giving them effective Nano Silver. General Bert and I use it whenever anything threatens our health and it always works like a charm! 

A Word From Dr. Rima

In the last few days I have gotten several emails complaining that voting at could take more than 10 seconds (I kid you not!), would require about 2 minutes and that was way too long, needed people to go through a process more than once and was, in general, a pain in the anatomy.  

All of the people who wrote those letters are right: the site, as we said, can be difficulty and sometimes appears to be overwhlemed.  But let's get real here, folks.  The stakes are, as you read in our information on the attack on Nano Silver and its potential tie-in to a pandemic, very, very high.  So if you have to spend a few minutes in a Health Freedom Action, and then spend a little time in alerting and mobilizing your circle of influence, I do not think that is an unreasonable amount of effort to save your freedom and potentially save your life.

How much time would you have to devote to curing Avian Flu if you got it?  Or finding alternatives to the devastating treatments offered to cancer patients if you or your loved ones were among the 1 in 3 adults who will develop cancer in their life times? 

As busy as we all are, let's put this in perspective: the Founding Fathers and the change agents of every meaningful social action gave time, energy and sometimes their lives to make those changes.  We are asking you to donate, disseminate and do.  Donate so that we have the resources to fight this battle for you.  Disseminate so that we have the mass of people necessary to make the netroots voice of health freedom audible in the halls of power and do what needs to be done via the internet spending a few minutes to make sure that your health, and your freedom are safeguarded.

What are we fighting for?  Take a quick look at how we define health freedom (  Founding Father Tom Paine wrote about the "Sunshine Soldiers".  We cannot afford to have "Stopwatch Mouse Warriors".  Now and again it will take a little time to assure your freedom.  Seems only fair to me.  Thanks for your time and thanks for your activism.

As I said in my last Health Freedom Action eAlert comments, it really is your move and your movement!

Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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