Dr. Rima Reports Sunday: Exclusive Video Interview with Ron Paul! Watch Now! Health & Food Freedom!
eBlast Permalink Archive: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/blastContent.jsp
Saturday - May 28, 2011 - Your Radiation Emergency Center!
ON DR. RIMA REPORTS: Dr. Pat Flanagan
It's Your Freedom! Donate Here: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189
Valley of the Moon Coffee Here: www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.com
Important New Video!
Wednesdayy Counsel Ralph Interviewed
Dr. Ron Paul on Raw Milk & Freedom
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAQdjjXCN6A
Action Item: http://tinyurl.com/rawmilkfreedom
Index: Special Messages from General Bert
Radiation Remedies - Health & Food Freedom Security on the Internet
Dr. Rima Reports - Dr. Rima Recommends - GMOs - Vaccines - All Natural Coffee
TO OUR FRIENDS IN NY Don't let them renew the license! Decomission the Reactor! June 2 in Courtlandt Manor, NY event regarding the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. The NRC will be there and the relicensing and extension of the reactor license for another 20 years will be "on the table." Please, let all your contacts know about this event. 06.02 - 6:30-9:30 PM at: Colonial Terrace |
10 AM - 1 PM Eastern THIS & Every Sunday Morning
Internet Radio that Really Matters:
Listen at either www.HealthFreedomPortal.org or www.OracleBroadcasting.org
Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more...
Radiation Updates: More URGENT Info During the Dr Rima Reports
Arnie Gunderson Exposes More Nuke Lies...
Donate: It's YOUR Health & Food Freedom!
Special Messages from General Bert: General Bert'sWorld Risk Assessments And don't forget our Seven Plus Two Action Items, every day! |
Dr. Rima Reports Every Sunday Morning 10 AM to 1 PM, Eastern Time This week: Dr. Pat Flanagan Listen: www.OracleBroadcasting.com Webinar Planned Yours in health and freedom, Your Health and Food Freedom Trustees, General Bert StubblebineDr. Rima Laibow Counsel Ralph Fucetola __________________________________________________ MAKE SOME TEA OR BREW OUR COFFEE; RELAX ON SUNDAY MORNING WITH DR RIMA! Support Health Freedom. Drink Valley of the Moon Toxin Free Coffee |
There are many important issues facing our health and food freedom... our new format gives you the links to the data you need... But, to keep doing that, we need to upgrade and enhance our Internet access and security...
The blogisphere and social media are filled with false faces and distortions. But also, with the potential to reach hundreds of millions across the globe. At times it seems communicating in that world is much like navigating a nearly dark room filled with distorting mirrors… Add to that the free-lance hackers and the well-paid minions of the powerful who both feel empowered to interfere with those communications, to suit their perceived self-interest or pleasure, regardless of the privacy of those targeted. That is the Internet world in which we find ourselves attempting to communicate important ideas about health and food freedom....
“Honor-bound to implement the most secure and effective communications system possible to efficiently mass the numbers of people who will have to act together to achieve victory!” - General Bert
Attack Equivalence — Disinformation Agents All!
To do this, we need everyone’s help. We have to obtain and maintain a secure satellite up-link be able to communicate world-wide and overcome increasing Internet censorship and open attacks. We need to become the “state of the art” in NGO communications to continue to have meaningful PUSH BACK successes, like those listed on our Accomplishments Page, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=195
We have established a Special Security Fund through our PayPal facility which earmarks your Internet Security Donations to this important task. Please give generously through the secure PayPal link below. If the PayPal "Donate" button does not appear below due to browser restrictions, you can reach the special Donation button here: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=9364
What do Nuke Power & GMOs Have in Common?
They Both Have the Ability to End Life on Earth by Destroying All DNA on the Planet!
Action Item Banning Genome Destroying Technologies:
Yet more evidence of the dangers of GMOs
"Back in January, a noted plant scientist who spent much of his career at Purdue University sent a letter to the USDA informing the agency that he’d discovered a mysterious new disease-causing organism in Monsanto’s (MON) genetically engineered Roundup Ready corn and soybeans. Now, that scientist — Don Huber — has written a follow-up letter to the USDA and appears in a videotaped interview where he presents an even scarier picture of the damage he claims Monsanto’s herbicide chemical glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup) is doing to both plants and the animals who eat them..." |
Just Say "NO!" to Vaccines
We see more signs that the vaccine-pushers are revving up their campaign to force us all to be "fully vaccinated..."
Hold FDA Officials, Big Pharma Companies, Executives Legally Responsible For Damage Caused By Vaccines;
Tell Congress to Repeal the Unfair “Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”
Direct Statistical Link: More Infant Vaccines, More Infant Deaths
Dr. Rima: “If ever there was a time for life style change, coupled with a demand for clean, unadulterated food and the protection and support of the supplements that you need now and will need for the rest of your life, it is now. And if ever there was a time to call for the total banning of the two most dangerous misapplications of science in human history, GMOs and nuclear power, that time was yesterday. We missed yesterday so today is the time, and tomorrow and all the tomorrows that these disasters still allow us.”
Dr. Rima Recommends
What to Do About Radiation - Nutritionally!
This web page is updated weekly.
Highlights from the "radprotect" web page:
And Dr. Rima's latest research has led her to consider natural means to restore, as much as can be, normal DNA function when recovering from chronic radiation exposure at levels not seen since the early days of nuclear weapons testing. We see real potential for therapeutic benefit in Aromatherapy approaches to supporting normal structure and function. The therapeutic grade essential oils discussed in this article are available by ordering through our affiliate link, www.nsfaromatherapy.com - more important information about that here:
From Nancy Orlen Weber, RN - Radiation and Aromatherapy
Radiation Nutrition...
NuShield Liquid Boron/Iodine SilverSol NanoSilver NuRev Resveretrol
Sea Vegetables and Iodine / Organic Whey Powder
More Information and Updates:
Valley of the Moon™
All Natural Toxin-Free Coffee!
Don't forget to get yourself some of our exceptional Valley of the Moon™ Coffee, www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.org, and remember to give this delightful health brew as your gift for birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, corporate gifts, Holiday corporate and private gift giving! Clean, toxin-free coffee helps coffee drinkers, it helps the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time and it tastes WONDERFUL!!!
Featured at Our
BeyondOrganic™ Restaurant & Teaching Kitchen
The HCG Diet!
Dr. Rima Institute Protocols and Services
Follow us on www.Twitter.com/HealthFreedomUS Friend us on www.Facebbok.com/group.php?gid=49374475384 |
Please don't forget to make sure you have YOUR supply of the universal remedy- When exposed to ionizing radiation, the immune system is weakened. Make sure you have the Universal Antibiotic on hand! |
And remember to supplement with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients to keep your brain healthy and focused... this message from our friends at Biologics Nutraceuticals, providers of the Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
Support Health & Food Freedom:
Donate Here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189
Shop for Natural Products Here, www.Organics4U.org or www.NaturalSolutionsMarketPlace.org
Our Seminar and Webinar Program Here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=6588
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