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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ready to Stand By While Globalists Kill Japan? And YOU?

Health Freedom Alert

September 28, 2011


Dr. Rima Reports - Information You NEED to know!

Every Sunday 10AM  to 1PM Eastern

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Guests: Leslie Botha & Norma Erickson of SANE on Vax Hoax:         


Intentional Genentically Engineered Virus DNA Contamination in Vax? You Got It!

Gardasil victim found to have HPV DNA in her blood 2 Years Post-Vaccination
13 different vaccine vials – 13 different lots of Gardasil from around the world tested
Results – 100% contamination with HPV Recombinant DNA - that's genetically engineered HPV!

And the Doctor who discovered this?  Locked out of his lab today!

Social Training for Forced Innoculation


Eugenics 101: A Quick Primer of The Genocidal Global Agenda

Globalists  make no secret of precisely what they plan for you and me.  They have been quite clear for a very long time.  We have refused to believe that they were serious.  They were.

Read what philopsopher and mathametician Bertrand Russel, 3rd Earl of Russell, OM, FRS(1872 – 1970) had to say in his widely read book, The Impact of Science on Society:

On Diet and Vaccinations
"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so." [Emphasis added - REL]
On Selective Breeding
"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers [Them - REL] and ruled [Us - REL] will increase until they become almost different species [Through carefully introduced foreign DNA via vaccines and GMO "PHUDE", perhaps? - REL]. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. [Hear that, Plebes? - REL]
On Education
 "In like manner, the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders of scientific (international banker) power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented [Why won't ___________ (fill in the blank) listen to me, see the evidence and stop brushing their teeth with fluoride and believing the official lies, you ask.  Perhaps "scientific" education has succeeded with them and failed with you! - REL]. Of these qualities, probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play" [Psychiatric drugs, anyone?  Toothpaste and water fluoridation?  Mercury fillings?  Need I continue? - REL].

Pretty Words From David Rockefeller Justifying UN-Directed Population Control/Reduction:

Not Such Pretty Words From David Rockefeller:

"For more than a century, ideological extreamests at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well publicized attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the globe to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it."

Memoirs, 2002 New York: Random House

Margaret Sanger, MD, Founder of Planned Parenthood Had a Plan to Eliminate the "Black Race" as Abundant For "racial "purification," couples who chose sterilization should be rewarded, see Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech).

Couples, she said, should be required to submit applications and receive approval to have a child ("Plan for Peace." in Birth Control Review, April 1932)

Sanger taught that the genetic makeup of the poor, and minorities, was inferior and should. (Pivot of Civilization, by Margaret Sanger, 1922, p. 80) and that birth control should be used "to create a race of thoroughbreds," (The Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)), creating "More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." (Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12) "to prevent the multiplication of bad stocks,"as Dr. Sanger's collegue,  Dr. Ernst Rudin, said (April 1933 Birth Control Review). Americans were, according to these genocidal luminaries, to "restrict the propagation of those physically, mentally and socially inadequate." whom Sanger referred to  as "human weeds," "reckless breeders," "spawning  ... human beings who never should have been born."(Pivot of Civlilization)

When you read what Sanger said about extermination of her chosen group, substitute any other group, in fact, substitute you and your family and see if vaccination to produce disease and sterility, deadly food, mind numbing drugs and dismal education might be tools against you and your community.  Sanger said "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." (Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon).

UN Policies, Like Agenda 21, Are Explicit About Population Reduction As a Goal:

"... population growth rates have been declining globally, largely as a result of expanded basic education and health care. That trend is projected to lead to a stable world population in the middle of the twenty-first century... The current decline in population growth rates must be further promoted through national and international policies [Empahsis added - REL] that promote economic development, social development, environmental protection, and poverty eradication, particularly the further expansion of basic education, with full and equal access for girls and women, and health care, including reproductive health care, including both family planning and sexual health, consistent with the report of the International Conference on Population and Development.” --- UN document S/19-2. Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21  (par. 30 at


National Security Memorandum, 1974, Written by Henry Kissinger

April 24, 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200
[...] 29. While specific goals in this area are difficult to state, our aim should be for the world to achieve a replacement level of fertility, (a two-child family on the average), by about the year 2000. This will require the present 2 percent growth rate to decline to 1.7 percent within a decade and to 1.1 percent by 2000. Compared to the U.N medium projection, this goal would result in 500 million fewer people in 2000 and about 3 billion fewer in 2050. Attainment of this goal will require greatly intensified population programs. A basis for developing national population growth control targets to achieve this world target is contained in the World Population Plan of Action.

Tragically, the list goes on and on and on and on. The message is clear: the globalist "elite" want us dead, and have told us so in no uncertain terms.  They are willing to use any means at hand, and create more as they go, to acheive that goal.

And Now a Word From Our Side: Plebes and Useless Eaters Disagree!

Dr. Rima wrote this in 2007: Must Read! The Genocidal Agenda:                                                                  The Genocidal Feast: Nutricide: The Killing Camps of Codex: 


You Are Invited!

Become a Partner in Compassion: Help Save the Children of Fukushima

Suppose Your Child Was Being Poisoned By the Nuclear Industry.  And Suppose a Specially Formulated Lollipop a Day Could Help Save Your Child's Life.  Would You Want Someone To Help?  Of Course You Would! So How Can We, the People, Say "No!" to the Simple, But Absolutely Profound Needs of the Innocent Victims of a Globalist Game of Genomicide for Fun and Profit? We Can't.  Please Support Lollipops of Life to Save The Children of Fukushima: Become a Partner in Compassion Join Us!  Make a Donation, Inform Others and Take 'Lollipops of Life' Viral!

Children of Fukushima,, is now a Facebook Cause

"Fukushima’s nuclear disaster is a nightmare. Ghostly releases of radioactivity haunt the Japanese countryside. Liv

es, once safe, are now beset by an ineffable scourge promising vile illness and death.

Large sectors of the population are accumulating significant levels of internal contamination, setting the stage for a public health tragedy.

A subtle increase in the number of miscarriages and fetal deaths will be the first manifestation that something is amiss. An elevated incidence of birth defects will begin in the Fall and continue into the indefinite future. Thyroid diseases, cardiac diseases and elevated rates of infant and childhood leukemia will follow. Over the next decade and beyond, cancer rates will soar.

Japanese face mass casualties as large sectors of the population are accumulating significant levels of internal contamination, says Paul Zimmerman in his new book, A Primer in the Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science

Children's bodies are more sensitive to radiation than older, larger people because their cells are dividing so rapidly.  Specially formulated lollipops, "Lollipops of Life" with nutrients to block the absorption of radioactive molecules into the DNA of Fukushima's Children will help protect them from lethal radiation.  The Natural Solutions Foundation and LiveWell Pharmacy, Panama, are ready to manufacture these life-saving nutrient supplements and give them, free of charge, to the children of Japan. 

Rather than protecting Japan's children, contaminated beef was sold, according to a weeping father, to schools for cheap lunches.

Rather than protecting their most precious, and most vulnerable citizens, radioactive debris is being burned in open fires in Fukushima and being trucked to the uncontaminted parts of Japan to be burned there, too.

Rather than providing nuclear protection, the allowable limits of radiation contamination for children was raised to that of an adult nuclear plant worker.

Rather than cherishing their young, the authorities have advised them to eat food from the areas near the Fukushima cataclysm and permitted TEPCO to abandon efforts to control the contamination of ground water.

The authorities are committed to protecting a genomicidal industry at the expense of both life and face.  We are committed to health and freedom so it is, quite literally, up to us.

We are able to make delicious, safe, BeyondOrganic™ radioprotective supplements (which the FDA, by the way, would not permit because they do not approve nutrients which are attractive to kids [!!!!]) if you help. 

  A Natural Solutions Foundation Initiative...
Thanks for Becoming A Partner In Compassion and Spreading the Word!

Lollipops of Life = Spam? 

Facebook Thinks So!

   Attention all Facebook Users:
Facebook, a useful, but less than independent communication system, has apparently blocked us from communicating with you about the Lollipops of Life,

.  Postings show up in my email box from people in the same groups that I belong to.  When I try to post information on their pages on the vitally important "Lollipops of Life" program, and "friend" those, I find that I am blocked from doing so because "You are posting material which has been blocked or is spammy". SPAMMY?  Children are dying and you can help?  Make a donation and avert a lethal industrial disease (say, for example, leukemia)?  Get the word out that we, the people, are not sheep to the slaughter and it's Spam? 

  Well, well!  How very convenient!  Block us, keep people from knowing about, and helping, the innocent victims of the genomicide being carried out in Japan (and elsewhere!) and then make it sound as if WE are spamming!

Here's The Children of Fukushima Facebook Cause Page: Please Visit, Like, Send, Tweet and Donate

Our Facebook address is Rima E. Laibow MD. Please visit and "friend" us now, while you are thinking about it. And let other people know that they become Partners in Compassion.

These nutrients can make the difference between life and death for these children by preventing the attachment of radioactive molecules to the DNA of the children, who are especially susceptible to radiation poisoning since their cells are rapidly dividing.

Links to More Information Now Operative!

Direct Link:

Some Images To Remind You That You Are Not Supposed To  Know How To Think!







Tipping Point Needed

  You know that pushing back the globalist agenda takes work, dedication and determination.  You also know that it takes money to fund projects, activities, communications, education, services and options that are good for us.  And there are lots of those which can be funded, change lives and create a profit at the same time. Those are the projects that the unique, and uniquely empowering Fund for Natural Solutions is dedicated to creating.

How do you help?  You become an investor.  Your money will do good things that you believe in.  Your investment will be managed through a professional fund and will be working for you and for the world.  Your retirement, pension, funds, etc., can help make your world better - and help make your financial security greater at the same time.  It's the best win-win-win I know of! You put your money where your beliefs are, that money creates capacity and helps to push back the globalist agenda and your money makes money for you.  That's the idea.  If you want to be part of it, visit, fill out the questionaire and contact us for a detailed discussion of your needs and requirements.


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