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Friday, November 09, 2007

On our way to Codex meeting... what it means to you...

Natural Solutions Foundation

Flying to Codex for you…

Dear Health Freedom Warriors,


We're on the road again; just finished three health freedom rallies in the West where we taped more footage for the new DVDs. We're on our way to New York where we'll be taping with Gary Null... and then we're off to another Codex meeting in Europe, representing your interests there.

In this Health Freedom eAlert: [1] What is Codex? - [2] New DVD - [3] Presidential Score Card - [4] Health Freedom Movement Coming Together - [5] Magnetizing Health...

Some of our email correspondents have asked us to give them a brief overview of Codex, suitable to copy and paste and send to your contacts... and one of the things we do that others may not do, is we listen to you and do our best to respond to your emails.


The modern history of Codex began under the prompting of certain mostly German businessmen (some more or less straight from Allied internment camps) who became active in international post-war pharmaceutical consolidation and regulation. In the early '60s the WHO and FAO jointly established Codex Alimentarius as a UN agency. The Codex Alimentarius Commission and its various committees and working groups oversee a series of Standards defining various items in the food trade and Guidelines relating to the processes of the trade.

The Codex Statute puts food safety on an equal par with promoting world food trade. Codex, unfortunately has become the playground of various large commercial interests and the governments with which they cooperate, thereby allowing the degradation of organic standards, increased allowed levels of toxicity, un-labeled irradiation and use of genetically modified ingredients. But even worse, the Codex VMG - Vitamin and Mineral Guideline - treats natural dietary ingredients more akin to drugs or industrial chemicals than the foods substances that they are, subjecting nutrients and natural remedies to an impossible standard for making simple nourishing health benefit claims.

Natural Solutions Foundation has identified the Problem: Codex and its web of influences. We have generated the Reaction: hundreds of thousands of voting consumers contacting the FDA or Congress through our web site, demanding their rights. And we offer the Solution: the Natural Solutions Program, including our Codex 2 Step - how countries can opt out. There is more information about this at

To make the Decade of Nutrition that we proclaimed last year effective what we need most is the financial support to continue to get to DC to educate Congress and Codex meetings. Are you aware Rima and Bert encouraged a bit of a revolt at a Codex meeting about a year ago? A group of developing countries stopped the US/EU dominated group from adding fluoride as a permitted ingredient in healthy baby formula. We also need to raise funds every month. These funds are needed to keep our Democracy-in-Action account current since we rely on their excellent system to run our Action Campaigns and coordinate support. Trips to Codex meetings and Washington cost money and though we are frugal with your money, we are not rich enough to pay for these necessary expenses ourselves. To make this effort happen we need as many people as possible to sign up for regular monthly support payments. This auto-support system allows us to plan based on resources and will allow us to achieve better economies of planning. We've proven our ability to impact international and national policy. So now we have to ask, "How much can you help us?"


Recently some people were trying to offer support to the Natural Solutions Foundation, but their donations were either not processed or the card appeared to be declined. We were very concerned (as you can imagine) and decided to get to the bottom of the problem.  The problem was a glitch in our system (which only impacted some people) and we have now fixed it so you go to the Natural Solutions Foundation donation page:

 and make your tax deductible one-time or recurring donation - this time successfully!  Recurring donations are very important to us because they allow us to budget and plan based on actual income, not merely on projections of anticipated income.  Just as in a home or business, this level of information is critical to the smooth and efficient operation of the Foundation.

We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hope that you will continue your support for the Natural Solutions Foundation!  We depend totally on the donations of individuals like you and thank you for your continued activism in the health freedom battle.


Remember, you can either make your tax deductible recurring donation to support the Natural Solutions Foundation or make it to help fund the new DVD project we have initiated, "Murder by the Numbers: the Codex Agenda".

To support this media project, please click here: 

Donations of all sizes are warmly welcomed: those of $100 or more will be acknowledged in the final version of the DVD.

And do check our new YouTube channel


Our Presidential Score Card is causing quite a stir in certain political circles, we hear. You can keep up the pressure by sending your message to the candidates asking them the 19 questions every health freedom activist wants answered.

The Natural Solutions Foundation believes that Americans have a right to know where the 2008 Presidential hopefuls stand on vitally important Health Freedom questions. We urge every voter in America to ask those tough questions - and demand clear answers. So far, only one Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, has a Health Freedom plank in his platform. Why? On the one hand, the rights of Americans to make natural health choices for themselves and their families is under almost continual assault from the FDA, State Medical Boards, legislation, and commercially funded "poison press" media. On the other hand, Americans seek out, to the tune of billions of dollars annually, natural care and natural cures. Will the next President of the United States work for those freedoms or against them?

Click here to take action, Mouse Warriors


Natural Solutions Foundation is, as you may know, an exempt NGO (nongovernmental organization) grassroots/netroots group that focuses on educating national and international decision makers with regard to health freedom and natural solutions to the world healthcare crisis. We note the work of the recently concluded National Health Freedom Assembly (Oct. 12 -13, 2007 in St. Paul MN). The Assembly brought together 27 organizations and adopted five resolutions,

  "Using a standard requiring 80% agreement, the Assembly crafted and endorsed resolutions that dealt with: [1] sovereignty of American law over international guidelines and agreements such as CODEX; [2] safe harbor exemption laws for practitioners; [3] standards used in the determination of safety of food and dietary supplements; [4] upon whom should the burden of proof be, regarding burden of proof of safety for foods and drugs, and a resolution [5] to investigate ways of coordinating information within the health freedom movement."

While your NSF founders, General Stubblebine and I were initiators of the April 22, 2005 meeting in Virginia that ultimately led to the creation of the Assembly, as an exempt educational organization, we generally do not attend political lobbying events, thus, we wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate the participants, as the issues raised are among those our educational efforts have helped popularize. These resolutions endorse the solutions NSF developed and implemented, on the strategic and tactical level over the last 3 years.

NSF Trustee, Ralph Fucetola JD, stated, "As the health freedom grassroots & netroots group with by far the largest national supporter base, as indicated by our Health Freedom eAlert list, we are glad for the efforts of all citizen groups that, like us, are raising public consciousness about health freedom and its importance in promoting natural solutions to the world healthcare crisis. Netroots activists can join our NSF President, Gen. Bert, to become Health Freedom Mouse Warriors by joining our eList at - by 'clicking' your computer mouse you can join hundreds of thousands of activists who have sent over a half million health freedom messages to Congress and the FDA this year."

I appreciate Ralph's cogent analysis of the situation: YOU ARE THE NETROOTS OF HEALTH FREEDOM AND NATURAL SOLUTIONS! And we sincerely appreciate what you have done to make our work possible.  And you know it is getting to be that time again, when people begin to think about their "end of year" giving plans. We hope you'll include Natural Solutions in your plans.

You can easily do so, at:

Yours for Health Freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Natural Solutions Medical Director



Recently, while I was on the road, someone found my "mute button." That may be good news for some, but having laryngitis is not a whole lot of fun for someone who is trying to educate Congress and national decision makers! I could not make a sound above a whisper and had a hacking, painful cough to boot. I was out of the natural remedies I depend upon and was pretty miserable.

The Magic of Magnets Up Close and Personal

  At that point, serendipity brought me a gift. My friend, Peter Kulish, chief scientists at the the Foundation for Magnetic Science had sent me a BiomagScience™ Wellness Kit which arrived right then! At the hotel where we were staying for a couple days.

Here's the letter I wrote to him two days later:


Dear Peter:

I had been suffering from profound laryngitis and a hacking, paroxysmal cough which disturbed my sleep and left me unable to breathe 12 to 15 times per hour for about 4 days. Nothing seemed to help the symptoms or the distress despite mega doses of vitamins; my herbal remedies were not available.

When my Biomag Wellness Kit arrived, I put two of the smallest magnets in a Power Stack (2 magnets, green side toward my skin) over my sternum. Within 15 minutes the coughing was virtually gone and my voice had returned. I went to bed without the magnets and was up most of the night with the same hacking, breathless coughing and my voice was absent once again in the morning.

I got up and put the magnets back on my sternum: the same almost magical relief took place in the same short time. But when I showered and got dressed again, forgetting the magnets (since I am not used to using them), the cough and laryngitis started plaguing me once again. Remembering the Power Stack, I clipped them to my clothes and, as if by the magic of magnetic therapy, my cough was gone and my voice came back!

I am still little hoarse but I can be heard over the phone and my voice is getting stronger by the hour. Unless I take the magnets off, my symptoms have gone from disabling to minor and resolving.

These two days have taught me the astonishing power of magnets in a highly personal way. Since I am never (well, hardly ever!) sick or in pain, I have not had the opportunity to experience the power of magnet therapy personally. Now I have and I am deeply impressed by the technology. I can strongly recommend Biomag Science and its excellent products.

Thanks for the magnets and thanks for the lesson,

Dr. Rima


 Peter is a far-sighted natural health leader with decades of research and involvement in the science and application of magnets, as his magnetic fluid conditioning patents show.  He understands that health freedom is vitally important to us all and has made an offer that turns win-win into heal-heal.

He has pledged to donate $10 to the Natural Solutions Foundation for each Wellness Kit sale generated through this emailing! WHAT A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO HELP NATURAL SOLUTIONS WHILE  EXPERIENCING THE BENEFITS OF MAGNETS...  AND ALSO, JUST THE PERFECT GIFT OF HEALTH  FOR THIS HOLIDAY SEASON!

Please help support Natural Solutions through this link and learn why BiomagScience is important in our lives:

The remarkable Wellness Kit contains the therapy book "Conquering Pain, the Art of Healing with Biomagnetism" with its A-Z therapies, a bottle of Liquid Oxygen for those in need, the three sizes of medical grade Rare Earth Biomagnets, a set of Water Jar Energizers for your drinking water [shown by research to be beneficial to your health and according to many - very tasty to drink], and a pictorial guide of the advanced therapy circuits BiomagScience has developed for supporting increased vitality and resolution of painful aches, sprains, acute, chronic or degenerative conditions.

My recent experience makes it clear that everyone should have a BiomagScience Wellness Kit in their medicine cabinet for any emergencies that arise.

Please give the Foundation's message your close attention. It is clear to me that the proper use of magnets can have remarkable benefits for your health and well-being. Because of Peter's involvement with health freedom, you can purchase exceptional magnets at an exceptional price AND support the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time. 

For more information:

PS - For the few of our Natural Solutions supports who may not like receiving messages like this, when someone agrees to support foundation activities and we recommend their products… As you know from our web site (where you can also find the link to Biomag Science) we have endorsed a number of wholesome, natural products and services. We do this because we believe in the products - we only endorse products we have personally used and for which we have personally experienced the benefits - and because you will benefit from the products and/or special pricing… and because the marketers support Health Freedom… win, win, win… And for those who feel there should be no endorsements, please understand that running our campaigns cost money; trips to Codex meetings and DC meetings cost money; running our web site costs money every month.  We are not rich enough to pay for it all ourselves  - - nor should we have to. Regular small contributions will both strengthen us and keep us going… if you prefer not to purchase to help us, donations are gratefully accepted: .



Note from Peter: Another Practitioner who has had encouraging results in many applications : 

  "I have had a wonderful adventure learning about your Biomagnets, they are everything you said they would be and much more!  I enlisted as many people as possible to put the magnets to the test with their many different and varied complaints. The one constant was that all the people gained more energy and slept better at night. 

  Then there was the removal of pain and dysfunction from all sorts of different areas/problems:  joint issues, glandular dysfunctions, digestive problems, TMJ, inflamed nerves, warts/root removal and pain relief from insect bites/stings.  Everyone has been most pleased with the results and the fact that the book, pictures and magnets are so user friendly. The magnets are easy to use, do not wear out and can be used over and over again with the same degree of results each and every time.  Thank You!  The magnets are truly a blessing to all who use them!  Cheers." JF Oakville, CA


 Pain from torn Meniscus (cartilage in te knee) goes away in a day with BiomagScience Knee Circuit Therapy.

 "I'm a 62 year young dog walker in New York City and I suffered a torn meniscus in my right knee.  The doctor prescribed narcotics for the pain and said that I needed surgery.  A friend told me about your magnets and I decided to try anything because I did not want the surgery nor did I want to keep taking narcotics.

  I got my magnets and instructions on Thursday and I put the magnetic circuit on right away and I went about my walking the dogs.  Well I just can't believe it, today Friday the pain is gone!!!  You have given me hope again that I might not lose my livelihood nor need the surgery and I have stopped the pain killers.  Thank you, thank you for your wonderful product and for your help."



  For years I had awful pain from scoliosis and spina bifida in my lower and upper back, especially when sitting. I tried everything including painful therapies: acupuncture two to three times a week; special Chinese massage which almost left me an invalid; Reiki energy healing which lessened the pain temporarily; physiotherapy; Ancient Mexican  therapy; a very uncomfortable special brassiere brace; chiropractics for six months along with Swedish massage; Nikken Products; pain drugs which did nothing but cost money and made me sick; nothing worked and I believed I just had to live with the pain the rest of my life. Then I was introduced to the advanced back pain therapy from BiomagScience. For the first time in many years, I got relief. Since then, the therapy has helped my back heal as the pain does not occur as often. When it does, I put the advanced therapy on and it goes away instantly.  T.K. North Wales, PA    

BiomagScience through the Foundation for Magnetic Science offers specific therapies for over 170 health conditions. Based on nearly three decades of research in the development and application of specialized magnetic circuits, dramatic results have been achieved in supporting vitality and resolution of acute, chronic and degenerative conditions.

These specialized magnetic fields have been designed for simple, proper placement for increasing the electromotive vitality (Zeta potential) of the cells resulting in such issues as:

1. After 25 years of chronic illness from low energy, stuck cells, nutritional transfer increased within an hour of CVS therapy - after one year of therapy, playing competitive tennis:

2. 50-year old woman awoken from a terminal [acute pancreatitis] coma with advanced Meridian Energizing Therapy and Super BioMagnet therapy on pancreas.

3. Acute pain, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and insomnia from whiplash resolved with BiomagScience advanced neck circuits.

4. 72year old man with lifetime loss of mobility and feeling from knee down regains mobility and feeling from Regeneration of nerves, tendons, muscles using advanced knee circuit @ YouTube

5. 22-year Arthritic knee resolved

6. Extremely painful TMJ/Lockjaw resolved

7. See testimonials offers white papers [and FAQs] giving simple scientific explanations about the proper applications and what must be addressed to support advanced healing and what should not be done to prevent harm (electromotive stress).

Did you know that one side of the limb is positive and the other is negative?

Did you know that each hemisphere (right-left side) is the opposite polarity?

Did you know that the same magnetic polarity placed on the proper polarity supports rapid healing, but if placed incorrectly - often causes pain because of short circuiting by the wrong voltage.

Did you know that positive energy promotes acidity and can activate pre-cancerous cells and negative energy promotes alkalinity which increases oxygenation and according to testing [on Medline] reduces cancerous growth.

Learn more:

Also available, Before and After Case Studies Research of:

1. Cellular photo microscopy of rouleau blood cell patterns changing into healthy positioning in less than an hour;

2. Cellular voltage increases in less than hour which would normally take months of supplementation - tests with FDA certified BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) instrument;

3. Photomicrographs of before and after oxidative stress tissue showing neutralization of free radical sites, supportive healing and immediate reduction of inflammation within an hour.

BiomagScience has broken through many boundaries in establishing carefully designed, electromotive energies, that when properly placed, support and amplify the body's natural healing energies which provide rapid pain relief, increased immune functions, and support re-constructive and/or regeneration of all tissue.

BiomagScience is very pleased to submit the results from our advanced, yet simple to use Circuit therapies - Meridian Energy, Overnight MET, Daytime, Nightime, CVS, Organ Group Energizing Therapy, advanced knee and back circuits, etc.

After reviewing the results and research, it is easily realized why BiomagScience protocols are used and taught worldwide.

Respectfully submitted by:
Peter Kulish, Senior Science Adviser
Foundation for Magnetic Science

Learn more:

If you catch the fever of advanced energy therapy and want to spread the word, you can become a BiomagScience Affiliate and Earn 25% Commissions and Overrides! Just click: and go to the affiliate sign up link toward the bottom of the left hand menu.

Disclaimer: The use of magnetism or any of the products offered herein are intended as therapy to benefit normal structure and function and such use is not prescribed as treatment for medical or psychological conditions, nor intended for diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor to apply medical, mental health or human development principles. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Not intended to support or sustain human life, or to prevent impairment of human health; for self-education and research purposes only. Testimonial results are not typical.

© 2007

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